- balance between silkworm and mulberry output 葉蠶平衡
- pest insect of silkworm and mulberry tree 蠶桑害蟲
- Silkworm and mulberry climate 蠶桑氣候
- New mulberry trees wereplanted, silkworms and looms brought in. 現在當地種植了新的桑樹,也引進了蠶和織機。
- The blood glucose at postprandial in mice have been reduced by 33.48% and 24.24% after 4-week administration of the silkworm extract and mulberry leaves extract, respectively. 灌胃家蠶和桑葉粗提物4周后的動物,其餐后血糖值分別降低了33.;48%25和24
- Give full play to the traditional advantage of breeding of mulberry silkworm and ramie planting to increase the production and quality of natural fibre materials such as cocoons, hemp and cotton. 充分發揮我省桑蠶養殖傳統優勢和苧麻種植優勢,提高繭、麻、棉等天然纖維原料的產量和質量。
- On the basis of proven cases and syndrome differentiation, this article discussed the clinical experience of applying cimicifugae to treat deafness and mulberry silkworm to treat impotence. 結合驗案分析,介紹在辨證論治的基礎上,用大劑量升麻治療耳聾、用僵蠶治療陽痿的臨床體會。
- Silk fibres and silk-based materials,such as spider and mulberry silkworm silk fibres,have been widely used in tissue engineering and biomedical application due to its good biocompatibility. 絲纖維特別是絲素蛋白和蜘蛛絲蛋白作為具有良好生物相容性的高分子生物材料在組織工程和生物醫學領域裡有著廣泛的應用。
- They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on. 他們靠養蠶等增加了收入。
- She told Aqiao that these white worms were called silkworms and the leaves they ate were called mulberry leaves. 她告訴阿巧,這些雪白的蟲子叫做蠶,它們吃的葉子叫桑葉。
- Seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields change into seas--time brings great changes to the world. 滄海桑田
- Deep ruby in colour, the wine shows lifted raspberry and mulberry characters with subtle vanilla and oak nuances. 這款酒呈深寶石紅色,展示了明顯的覆盆子與桑椹的特徵並伴有細微的香草和橡木味。
- One day, we recognized textile silkworm and the spider who wants to compete by everybody welcome warbler referee. 有一天,大家公認的紡織家蠶和蜘蛛要比賽誰受大家歡迎,黃鶯當裁判。
- Main ingredients:essential and pure mineral,whiten concealer cell,pearl powder,arbutin and mulberry leaves. 主要成份:精純礦物、美白遮瑕因子、珍珠粉、熊果苷、桑葉。
- Especially, the application of silk and mulberry leaves in the fields of medicine and food was highlighted. 尤其是利用蠶絲和桑葉的功能,在醫藥衛生及其他領域的應用研究,展現出新的前景。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Bouquet: Exotic aromas of eastern spices, pencil shavings and nutmeg with lifted floral and mulberry notes. 氣味:氣味野性,帶明顯的辛辣、鉛筆削、果仁、花香及桑果等複雜的香味。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實,你必須面對它。
- The street's building style is mainly of Ming or Qing Dynasty, and its motif is to expand the traditional Chinese culture of silkworm and agriculture. 溪流、橋、樹裝點,質樸典雅、色古香;融旅業、業、吃、藝品、江特色的民俗風情表演於一體的精品街市。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。