- brag about; show off; flaunt 誇耀
- They flaunt rebellious leather, show off Harley and Honda choppers, and brag of outracing cops. 他們炫耀著身上叛逆的皮裝以及胯下的哈雷和本田機車,吹噓他們逃過警察尾追的光榮史。
- She likes to show off her fine clothes. 她喜歡炫耀她的精美衣服。
- Now she could brag about her soldier brother going off to war. 現在她可以誇耀說自己的哥哥當兵上戰場了。
- She pouted to show off her new lipstick. 她撅嘴炫耀她的新口紅。
- He wrote in that style just to show off. 這種文體寫文章,完全是為了賣弄文采。
- Untidy work is nothing to brag about. 不整潔的作業沒有什麼值得自誇的。
- He likes to show off his masculine physique. 他喜歡炫耀他的陽剛之氣。
- Average sell records are nothing to brag about. 銷售成績平平沒有什麼值得自誇的。
- Jason: Mike this is nothing to brag about. 傑森:嘿,邁克,這事不值得這麼高興。
- Jason: That's nothing to brag about Ben. 傑森:這不值得你吹牛,本。
- He often brag about how well he plays the golf! 他常常自誇他高爾夫球打得如何如何好。
- Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls. 那些男孩們老向女孩賣弄他們的運動技巧。
- Would he brag about his conquest? 他會誇耀他所征服到的愛嗎?
- Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off. 梅布爾的朋友們慫恿她花錢擺闊氣。
- She likes to show off her nice figure by wearing tight dresses. 她總穿緊身衣來炫耀她的好身材。
- The room shows off her paintings to good effect. 這個房間把她繪畫的優點充分顯示出來。
- David is so full of hot air; all he does is brag about himself. 大衛真是滿口空話;他所做的儘是自吹自擂。
- Stop showing off in front of everybody. 別再在大夥跟前賣弄了。
- He used to brag about the unique and wonderful fans he sold. 他常吹噓他的扇子天下無雙、美妙絕倫。