- A leader in an enterprise has to show great foresight. 作為一個企業的領導,一定要有超前意識。
- Stand high and see far; take a broad and long-term view; show great foresight. 站得高,看得遠。比喻眼光遠大。
- The way of the strength, wait for chance of appearance; The doing of the summit, show great foresight! 挖人牆角,不道德--曾經有過這樣的想法,最後還是忍住啦--缺德的事情還是不做滴。。。
- It's always wise to look forward.however, it's difficult to show great foresight. 往前看總是明智的;但要高瞻遠矚卻是困難的.
- Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the Internet . 《聯合早報》高瞻遠矚,不失時機地上了網際網路。
- Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the Internet bandwagon. 《聯合早報》高瞻遠矚,不失時機地上了網際網路。
- The United Morning Post has shown great foresight by not missing the Internet bandwagon. 《聯合早報》高瞻遠矚,不失時機地上了網際網路。
- At the crucial moment, he showed great foresight and turned back the powers of darkness. 力挽狂瀾。
- The company shows great foresight to produce feedstuff and develop series products, such as premixed feed, concentrated feed, formula feed, and so on. 公司根據國內外最新養殖技術,結合國內現階段養殖現狀,推出了各種畜、禽及水產預混料、蛋白濃縮飼料、 配合飼料等系列產品。
- We are listening, we are apprehending, we are analyzing and are showing great foresight, Creating top-grade race brand, applying to protect environment, and everything is for you! 我們聆聽,我們領悟,我們分析,高瞻遠矚,打造一流民族品牌,致力於環境保護,一切為了您!
- In 1964, Chairman Mao Zedong and General Charles de Gaulle, showing great foresight, made the historical decision of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries, opening a new chapter in the annals of Sino-French relations. 1964年,毛澤東主席和戴高樂將軍高瞻遠矚,作出了中法建交的歷史性決定,揭開了中法關係新的一頁。
- Interim Laws and Regulations Should Show Great Foresight 過渡性法規應當體現超前性
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 這篇韻文表現出強烈的激情。
- They show great anxiety concerning their retirement allowance. 他們對自己的養老金問題顯得十分焦慮。
- She shows great zeal for knowledge. 她表現出強烈的求知慾。
- You should show greater respect for your elders and betters. 你應該對長輩和上級尊重些。
- He shows great assiduity in all his work. 他對所有工作都兢兢業業。
- "Sir, my father is a man of great foresight and prudence. 「閣下,家父是一個極有先見之明和非常審慎的人。
- He is slow to learn, but shows great perseverance. 他學得慢,但是他表現出不屈不撓的毅力。
- He showed great composure in difficult situations. 他在困難環境中表現得極沉著。