- A ragged shout went up from the small crowd. 這一小群人發出了刺耳的喊叫。
- The whole evening seems strangely unreal. 整個晚上的事似乎如夢幻般令人驚奇。
- I had to shout to make myself heard. 我得大聲嚷,否則根本聽不見我的聲音。
- Shout as soon as he comes within range. 他一到聽得見的距離你就叫。
- Shout as soon as she comes within range. 等她一走到聽得見的地方就呼喊。
- The whole evening seemed strangely unreal. 整個晚上的事似乎如夢幻般令人生奇。
- A shout of fervent and worshipful praise. 熱烈而又崇敬的讚美之聲
- It irritated me to have to shout to be heard. 我得大嚷大叫別人才能聽見,我為此十分不快。
- One had to shout to be heard above the tumult. 聲音嘈雜,得大喊大叫別人才聽得見。
- In a blaze of fury he shout at his wife. 狂怒之下,他沖著他太太吼叫。
- On certain important details the report remains strangely silent. 這份報告在某些重要的細節問題上隻字未提,莫名其妙。
- You don't have to shout; we have good ears. 你不必大叫大嚷;我們聽力很好。
- The students shout encouragement in that game. 那場比賽中,學生們大聲鼓勁。
- It's noisy in the club they had to shout about their deal. 酒吧里太吵了,他們不得不大聲地談他們的交易。
- Strangely, I've never seen that television show before. 奇怪的是,我以前從來沒有看到過那個電視節目。
- Instead of disturbing her, the news had a strangely calming effect. 這消息非但沒有令她不安,反而產生了一種奇怪的鎮定效果。
- Strangely enough, I said the same thing to my wife only yesterday. 說也奇怪,我就在昨天也同妻子談到這件事。
- He is so happy that he wants to shout it from the housetop. 他樂得真想讓每一個人都知道這事。
- The song the little girl sang by fits was of a strangely sweet sound. 小女孩斷斷續續唱出的這首歌異常優美。
- Don't shout down, the policeman would regard you as a mad man. 別向下大吼大叫,警察會認為你是個瘋子。