- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 從眼前來看,這葯可能療效不是很大。
- Account for conversion of bonds payable. 應付債券轉換賬戶。
- Account for retirement of bonds payable. 應付債券贖回賬戶。
- short term bonds 短期債務
- Long term liabilities shall be itemized and shown as long-term loans, bonds payable, long-term accounts payable in financial statements. 長期負債應當按長期借款、應付債券、長期應付款項在會計報表中分項列示。
- Given that we expect more volatility in the short term, bonds can outperform. 考慮到我們預期在短期內股市會有更多震蕩發生,債券應該可以取得不俗表現。
- Bonds payable differ from capital stock in several ways. 應付債券與股本的區別有下幾個方面。
- Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities. 應付債券是長期負債的典型例子。
- Companies may retire their bonds payable before maturity. 企業可以在債券到期之前贖回他們的應付債券。
- USD/CHF bias is positive in the short term. 美元/瑞郎偏見是積極的是在短期內。
- GBP/USD short term bias is neutral. 英鎊/美元短期偏見,是中性的。
- Recognized one year's amortization of discount on 40-year bonds payable. 確認40年期的應付債券當年攤銷的折價。
- Investment bank Merrill Lynch in the report pointed out that in the short term the most important to note that the United States and the country's large trade and notes payable. 中英文對照:投行美林在報告中指出,短期內最需要留意的是國美的大型交易及應付票據。
- Recognized one year's amortization of premium on 40-year bonds payable. 確認40年期的應付債券當年攤銷的溢價。
- You're eligible for a short term loan. 你馬上就能得到短期貸款。
- Accounting for bonds payable closely parallels accounting for notes payable. 應付債券的核算與應付票據的核算很相似。
- Plan for short term IT business of CFMA Mazda Div. 建立長安福特馬自達銷售公司馬自達事業部短期的IT業務。
- Do you have any short term rental information? 你們有沒有什麼關於短期出租的信息?
- Short term memory causes eyes to glance upward. 短期記憶使眼睛。
- Should be available short Term - August. 最好能在八月左右到位。