- Jonit hands with fellow workers to fulfill such tasks as exam, presence,short leave,ect.Sorting out HR information and working out personels distributuion chart are both needed. 協助同事完成考績/考勤/請假辦理等事宜,月底整理人事資料,作出人員動態分布圖。
- This is a distinctive species with remarkably short leaf sheaths, exposing long lengths of internode, and a small, stiff panicle of horizontally tiered branches. 這非常一特別種具短葉鞘,暴露長節間的長度,以及一種水平層層排列的分枝的小,硬的圓錐花序。
- Small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves. 南方平鋪富貴草屬的一種生命期短的小型冷杉,生長速度快,類似於香脂冷杉,但葉子短小。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未達到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我們能逃脫簡直是個奇迹。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 從眼前來看,這葯可能療效不是很大。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 戰爭無望在短期內結束。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不這樣就不能挽回局面。
- Short skirts are no longer in vogue in Britain. 在英國,短裙現在不流行了。
- I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我有點累了。讓我們休息一會兒。
- Of this breed we can make short shrift. 這個品種,我們能很快解決。
- Go and get some more oil so we don't run short. 去多弄些油來以免到時候用光了。
- I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音機收聽到你的信號。
- I can boil down the facts to a short statement. 我可以把這些事實作簡短的陳述。
- Don't attempt to do so much in such a short time. 時間這麼短,別想干這麼多的事。
- I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音機收聽到你的信號。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英軍的陣線被迫後退一段距離。
- Henry's note to his father was short and sweet. 亨利寫給父親的信簡明扼要。
- All his observations were short and to the point. 他的觀察報告都很簡單扼要。
- The novel and short story are different genres. 長篇小說和短篇故事是不同的類別。