- Childhood experience often play a big part in shape one's character. 童年經歷在形成一個人的性格方面往往起重要作用。
- Early experience shapes one's character. 早期的經歷影響人的性格。
- Dongying sag is a dustpan shape one with very abundant oil and gas. 東營凹陷是一個含油氣十分豐富的箕狀斷陷凹陷。
- Poverty is often a xevere test of a man 's character. 貧窮往往是對人格最嚴厲的考驗。
- Fromm made use of the theory of spiritual analysis to find out the cause of human action: one』s character is essential to his/her action. 本文共分三部分,首先探討了弗洛姆性格結構理論產生的社會背景和理論淵源。
- Beauty is reflected by one's beautiful mind. especially one's character enchantment.cultural civilization and tempermament. 4美主要體現在心靈美.;主要體現在人格魅力
- To insert a shape one level below the selected shape, click Add Shape Below. 要在所選形狀的下一級別插入一個形狀,請單擊「在下方添加形狀」。
- Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one's character. 童年經歷在形成一個人的性格方面往往起重要作用。
- The cell』s character of islet stem cell was detected by immunochemical method. 採用免疫組織化學方法對所獲得的的細胞進行胰腺幹細胞特徵檢測。
- Click a shape, press SHIFT and click to select other shapes one at a time. 單擊某個形狀,按住SHIFT鍵的同時單擊以選擇其他形狀(一次單擊一個)。
- A loner has s character, he does not love others, meanwhile he is not willing to accept love from others. 孤僻者總有不喜歡別人的性格,同時他們也不願意接受別人給予的愛。
- The power of endorphin can help shape one's life, leading him/her to success when endorphin is released. 內啡肽釋放的力量可以幫助人重塑自己的生活,從而引導人們走向成功。
- All the Jane Austen』s characters are ready for an extended life. 簡·奧斯丁的人物全都有準備去過一種場面更大的生活。
- Education is an important factor in shaping one's identity. 教育是人的個性形成過程中的重要因素。
- The dandies are amongst the most attractive of Wilde』s characters. 浪蕩子的形象在十九世紀英國和法國的文學中都得到了發展。
- The S character of pump turbine was introduced and its formation cause was theoretically analyzed. 介紹了水泵水輪機「S」特性並從理論上分析了其形成的原因。
- In the days before his hanging, the father shares a cell with Mitchum』s character. 在父親被弔死的前幾天, 他和羅伯特.;米切姆在一個牢房裡。
- Hamlet s character is very complicated,containing the aspects of feebleness and adamancy. 哈姆雷特的性格是複雜的,他的性格中既有軟弱性又有堅強性。
- Oneself aspect in the court, judge"s character is lower, having already awed by difficulty motion in the performance. 法院自身方面,法官素質較低,在執行中有畏難情緒。
- When two or more assets are assigned to the same space, Visio places their asset shapes one on top of the other within the same space shape. 當將兩個(或更多)資產分配到同一空間時,Visio會在同一空間形狀中重疊放置它們的資產形狀。