- Roundlet shakes shake one's head, say: Be no good. 小圓搖搖頭,說:不行。
- Roundlet still shakes shake one's head, say: Be no good. 小圓還是搖搖頭,說:不行。
- She' s determined to win, by fair means or foul. 她決心要贏; 那怕是不擇手段.
- He shook one of his long broad fingers at him. 他還伸出一個粗長的指頭沖他一晃。
- Shaking one's head means disagreement. 搖頭意味著不同意。
- Well, speak up.'Still she said nothing, wishing that it was permissible to shake one's father and tell him to hush his mouth. 她仍然沒說什麼,希望能搖搖父親,告訴他閉上嘴巴。
- The scenario of 「Islam hijack democracy」 has undermined the US's determination to promote democracy in Middle East, which seems to support 「Middle East exceptionalism」. 「伊斯蘭劫持民主」這一民主化前景影響了美國在中東推動民主的熱情,這似乎印證了民主化問題上的「中東例外論」。
- The choice of Asian destinations was seen as symbolising the Obama administration』s determination to give the region new prominence in American diplomacy . 以亞洲為首選地也反映出奧巴馬政府的 外交政策 給予這一區域以突出地位。
- One stone arouses 1000 billow, the tentative idea causes a mighty uproar very quickly in the whole nation, nod eulogist has, shake one's head the person that oppugn has. 一石激起千層浪,設想很快在全國引起軒然大波,點頭稱讚者有之,搖頭質疑者有之。
- Ferry the person listened, shake shake one's head say: "You sing what to calculate, still do not have him (point to those who have right) those who say is Orphean. 擺渡人聽了,搖搖頭說:「你唱的算什麼,還沒有他(指有權的)說的好聽。」
- When blocking movement the most quickly, besides normal wind speed sound, should not have oscillatory sound or howl cry, and unusual hum should be not had when shake one's head. 在最快擋運轉時,除了正常的風速聲以外,不應該有振動聲或嘯叫聲,而且在搖頭時應無異常的雜聲。
- He' s determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way. 他決心不管發生什麼事都忠於球隊。
- Her shaking one's head expression is not approved of. 她搖了搖頭表示不贊成。
- Following the work of Group 22 in Washington,I am most heartened by the G-7 initiatives announced last Friday,I am glad to know the G-7's determination to ensure sustained economic growth. 繼二十二國集團在華盛頓展開的工作,七大工業國上周五也公布新措施,實在令人振奮。
- What we』re now talking about is the Vice President』s determination to guarantee Quemoy and Matsu, which are four and five miles off the coast of Red China, which are not within the treaty area. 我們現在談論的是,這位副總統執意要防守金門島和馬祖島,它們距離紅色中國的海岸僅四五英里,並且不屬於共同防禦條約規定的防守地區。
- SAS campaign manager Andy Cummins added: "After SAS highlighted the problem of mermaid's tears on UK beaches we were impressed with the BPF's determination to find a solution to this big problem. 的SAS康明斯競選經理安迪說: 「經過的SAS突出的問題,美人魚的眼淚在英國海灘我們留下了深刻印象的帶通濾波器的決心,找到解決這個大問題。
- One can only shake one's head in sympathetic amazement to hear about the Gothic horror that some travelling supporters experienced on Sunday courtesy of Britain's fabulously inept railway system. 任何人聽到一些路過支持者,於星期日在英國那非常愚蠢的鐵路系統上所碰到的哥特式恐怖經歷,也只能感同身受並驚奇地搖頭。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事長將改組這家公司。
- Abstract: The scenario of "Islam hijack democracy" has undermined the US's determination to promote democracy in Middle East, which seems to support "Middle East exceptionalism". 摘 要: 「伊斯蘭劫持民主」這一民主化前景影響了美國在中東推動民主的熱情,這似乎印證了民主化問題上的「中東例外論」。