- We used the money to set up an irrigation project. 我們把錢用在興建灌溉工程上了。
- The sense of not being wanted can set up an angst. 被擯棄的感覺會使人痛苦。
- Set up an ultrasonic wire bonding laboratory. 成立超聲波電子焊接實驗室.
- Pork set up an outcry which she found infuriating. 波克令人生氣地大喝了一聲。
- They set up an operating table in a small temple. 他們將手術台架設在一座小廟裡。
- KATE MCKENNA: Set up an evening meeting? 凱特.;麥凱納:會議安排在晚上怎麼樣?
- I don't know how to set up an incoming connection. 我不知道如何建立傳入連接。
- You should set up an organizing committee first. 你們首先應該成立一個組織委員會。
- I need to set up an appointment to see the doctor. 我需要約個時間去看醫生。
- Can I set up an interview for tomorrow? 我可以約在明天面談嗎?
- This store has set up an after-hours department. 這個商店附設了一個早晚服務部。
- She set up an association to help blind people. 她舉辦了一個幫助盲人的協會。
- Also, you should set up an affiliate program. 另外,你也可以建立分銷聯盟計劃。
- Set up an encrypted private directory? 建立一個加密的私人目錄?
- How can we set up an account with you? 如何才能跟妳們設立記帳戶頭呢?
- I'll call in the morning and set up an appointment to see him. 我明天早上就打電話給他, 跟他約個時間去看他。
- I'll set up an appointment with the marketing people. 我會與行銷部的人安排一次會談。
- Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter. 議會表決對這個問題進行獨立調查。
- To test his theory, the scientists set up an experiment. 為了檢驗他的理論,科學家們開始進行一項實驗。
- I guess they're trying to set up an appointment for me. 我猜他們正設法給我安排晤談。