- Her promise of support set my mind at ease. 她答應支持我,就使我放心了。
- Because you set my mind at ease. 036因為你讓我非常放心。
- Having this fund has set my mind at ease. 有了這筆資金,我就算吃了定心丸。
- set sb's mind at ease 使某人放心
- The doctor tried to rest his patient's mind at ease. 醫生設法讓病人安下心來。
- Courteous to try and help but let me set your mind at ease. 拜託拜託,幫幫忙,試著自在點吧。
- The broad and limitless sea will surely set your mind at ease. 望著那廣闊的海面,心情自然寬舒許多!
- Sound sleep presupposes a mind at ease. 充足睡眠需以心情輕鬆為先決條件。
- The news that he had passed the final examination set his mind at ease. 他通過期末考慮的消息使他安下心來。
- Yes, you can put your mind at ease. 沒錯,你可以遨遊世界七大洋!
- Is your mind at ease over such things? 這樣的事情發生了,你還能安心?
- Your presence puts my mind at ease. 你的出現讓我安心了。
- set sb.'s mind at rest; reassure sb. 穩定情緒
- The doctor tried to rest his patient rs mind at ease. 醫生設法讓病人安下心來。
- So,please put your mind at ease about my well-being. 你們不用挂念。
- I was just trying to rest your mind at ease, that's all. 我只是想讓你放心,沒別的意思。
- So, please put your mind at ease about my well-being. 你們不用挂念。
- Who knows how many days I have left to live-. -hic- So if you both kowtow in my presence, I can set my mind at ease! 呃,知道我還有幾天活,呃,你們就在我面前拜一拜,我也放心!
- Nanny Tess is seeing things, and Ash's book debunking such phenomenon makes him a good choice to set her mind at ease and convince her she is just tired and stressed. 劇情透過白人新聞記者戴娜的十三歲女兒莫莉的眼光,觀察當時南非社會不人道的特殊狀況,以豐富而動人的感情場面來烘托出嚴肅的主題。
- I'm sure we'll live up to our reputation. You can put your mind at ease. 請放心,我深信我們不會令你失望。