- It makes no differenceif you ride the Bus or train. 你搭公車或是火車都沒有關係。
- Shall we go by bus or train?-By bus. 我們乘公共汽車去,還是乘火車去?-乘公共汽車。
- Maybe that's worth standing in the bus or train. 也許這值得讓女性站在公共汽車或火車上。
- Very very good service on bus station.No English difficulty to understanding. 車站為我提供了極佳的服務,語言交流也沒有困難。
- You can get almost anywhere in this city by bus or train. 在這個城市裡你坐公共汽車或火車就幾乎可以到達任何地方。
- The pamphlet suggests getting off the bus or train one stop early. 小冊子建議,我們應該提前一站下汽車或者地鐵。
- It makes no difference if you ride the Bus or train. 你搭公車或是火車都沒有關係。
- Bus or train, car or plane, We will take a trip to-day. 公共汽車或火車,小汽車或飛機,我們今天要去旅行。
- The person whoBdrivesba car,bus or train is the person in control of it. 開汽車、公共汽車或火車要用。
- The person who drives a car, bus or train is the person in control of it. 開汽車、 公共汽車或火車要用drive這個詞.
- The person who drives a car,bus or train is the person in control of it. 開汽車、公共汽車或火車要用drive這個詞.
- The person whoBdrivesba car, bus or train is the person in control of it. 開汽車、公共汽車或火車要用。
- A bus or train or airplane that plies back and forth between two points. 在兩地之間往返的汽車、火車或飛機。
- But whether buses or trains or boarding aeroplanes, there wasn't a door she'd get through. 然而不管是公共汽車還是火車,還是飛機,沒有一扇門她能進去。
- It is true that some people may like to watch programmes aired on buses or in apartment lobbies. 的確,有些人可能喜歡在飛機,公共汽車上或是在公寓大廳里看電視。
- Call room service on the house phone. 用內部電話叫客房服務。
- One who awaits or is called for service on a jury. 陪審團成員候選人等待或要求進入陪審團提供服務的人
- Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall when a sudden start is made? 一個人站在公共汽車或火車上,當車突然開動時,他為什麼會傾倒呢?
- When travelling as a passenger we ride in a car,bus or train, sail in a ship,and fly in a plane. 作為乘客,坐汽車、公共汽車或火車用ride in,坐船用sail in ,坐飛機用fly in
- Luckily for Jay Kay, as the owner of a number of exotics, the singer won't have to catch a bus or train anytime soon. 凱,作為業主的一些外來的歌手不會趕上公共汽車或火車近期內。