- Section 3.An Extraordinary Meeting may be convoked by a petition signed by one-fifth of the membership, and shall be held within three months of the date of the Secretary』s receipt of such a petition. 執行委員會有權在其認為合適的時候組建臨時委員會,並邀請學會會員承擔各種職務,如本學會出版物的編輯,或學術會議的召集人。
- Beneficiary's certificate certifying that one set of non-negotiable shipping documents has been sent by DHL to the applicant within 07 days after B/L Date, enclosing DHL's receipt. 保險單或保險憑證二正一副,做成可轉讓形式,空白背書,按照發票全額的110%25投保一切險,保單上註明在某國某城市以發票幣種賠付
- On theory, it points out that LuXun"s receipt of Expressionism experienced a roughly changing course, from shallowness to depth, from latency to clearness, and from unconsciousness to consciousness. 從理論上指出,魯迅對表現主義的接受有一個由淺入深、由隱入顯、由非自覺到自覺的大致變化過程。
- On receipt of your instructions he will send the goods. 一經收到你的指令他就發貨。
- Please send me a receipt for the money. 請寄給我一張收到此款的收據。
- The flowers send forth fragrance. 這些花散發出香味。
- She send an acknowledgement of receipt. 她寄出一張回執(收到收據的通知)。
- Enclosed we hand you a cheque for$1,200,000, for which kindly send a receipt. 茲同函奉上1,200, 000元支票一張,敬請開出收據為荷。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 報價時,請對每一個等級的各寄兩個樣品。
- S: Please keep this receipt, sir. 請保留這張收據,先生。
- I'll send the maid round to carry it to your house. 我將派女僕把它送到你家去。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Immediately upon receipt of shipping advice, we will send the shipping documents through The Bank of China, Tianjin. 一旦接到裝船通知,我們將立即通過中國銀行天津分行寄出裝運單據給你方。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商標局)會寄給你標準表格要你填寫。
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- I send him a book in reward for his help. 我送給他一本書來答謝他的幫助。
- I want to send away for some books I need. 我想發函購買我需要的一些書籍。
- He wired (to) his brother to send some money. 他給他哥哥打了個電報要求寄些錢來。