- Quite a suprise outcome with this year』s election. 她就覺得幸福了。真得很想明年快點到。
- But lately the Taliban have reinfiltrated the north and threaten to disrupt this month\'s election there, too. 不過,近來塔利班勢力重新滲透到北方地區,並威脅要擾亂這個月的選舉活動。
- He is the first LDP lawmaker to declare his candidacy after the LDP's election defeat last month. 這是自民黨上月在國會眾議院大選中慘敗后首次有人表示競選黨總裁。
- The emuls ifying technology of s ea buckthorn juice an d the s election of emuls ifiers and s tabiliz ers and their ratio were inves ti gated. 對沙棘果汁的乳化劑、穩定劑及其配比的選擇和乳化工藝進行研究。
- Objective To investigate causes ,viciss itudes of pathogenic microorganisms and s election of antibi-otics in infective endocarditis(IE). 目的:探討感染性心內膜炎(IE)的病因,致病微生物的變遷及抗生素的選擇。
- Bondholders smell an unsavoury deal cooked up between the UAW and Barack Obama, who had the union's support in last year』s election. 債券持有人似乎聞到了UAW和奧巴馬之間令人討厭的交易,而奧巴馬在去年的競選中曾獲得UAW的協助。
- This paper utilize the material and date obtained in interviews under Taiwan s Election and Democratization Study, 2003 (TEDS 2003) . 中文摘要二十世紀末,民主化已經成為一種主要的全球現象。
- At Stretch Run Sporting Club and Grille in Chicago, tomorrow』s election can be viewed in one of two rooms with a dedicated menu to each party. 在芝加哥的跑馬運動俱樂部,明天的選舉可以在那裡的一兩個房間里收看,每個黨派都有特製的菜單。
- Dear Columbian, Yesterday』s election was historic, of course, and all of us who have graduated from Columbia have special reason for excitement. 剛剛當選為首任非裔總統的奧巴馬,也是哥倫比亞大學歷史上出的首位總統。
- He thought Obama』s election had a symbolic meaning to let US』s immigrators have more sense of adscription to the country. 他認為,奧巴馬的當選有一種象徵意義,他讓美國的移民更有了對這個國家的歸屬感。
- Jupiter ImagesAn icy independence loomsFor most Greenlanders, the referendum was as replete with a sense of the righting of historic wrongs as Barack Obama』s election in America. 對於大多數格陵蘭人來說,正如奧巴馬在美國的當選,全民公決是對歷史性錯誤的修正。
- Organized chronologically and thematically, the book examines Nixon』s election campaigns, his remarkable achievements in foreign affairs, and his involvement in the Watergate scandal. 本書按時間和主題編排,考察了尼克松的競選、他在外交方面的卓越成就以及與水門事件的牽連。
- The senator spoke against the law. 這位參議員反對這條法律。
- The senator voted to support the president. 這位參議員投票支持總統。
- He has running for election as senator. 他正在參加參議院選舉。
- A senator who is always on top of the issues. 一位消息總是很靈通的參議員
- The senator addressed the gathering informally. 那位參議員非正式地向與會者發表演說。
- The senator announced for the presidency. 這位參議員宣布參加競選總統。
- We elect a U. S. Senator for how many years? 我們選舉參議員任期多少年?
- In my freshman year; a freshman senator. 我是新生那年; 任期未滿一年的議員