- Study of model well test for acoustic log. 聲波測井模型井實驗研究。
- Function of Well Test Data in Modern Reservoir Management. 測試技術在現代油藏管理中的作用。
- Discuss for Protection Technology of Well Test Recording Card. 地層測試記錄卡片保護技術淺談
- It gives out the new orientation of well test theory. 指出了試井理論發展的新方向。
- In optimized dark theater mode, our test unit measured 343 ANSI lumens . 在黑暗的影院優化模式,來衡量我們的測試單位343ANSI流明。
- In optimized dark theater mode, our test unit measured 343 ANSI lumens. 在優化的黑暗影院模式下,我們的測試單元測量到343流明。
- Application of the Well Test and Production Data in the West-South Sea Region. 試油動態資料在海西南地區的應用。
- It is headquartered in Changping with modern office buildings, wellequipped factory, and components processing unit, products assembly and test unit as well as sprinkling spray labs. 公司擁有標準化的辦公樓、現代化的生產廠房、完備的零件加工車間、噴頭裝配試驗車間、產品組裝試驗車間及噴淋滅火模擬試驗室等生產設施。
- Acknowledge for Well Testing Data of L2 Well. L2井測試資料的認識
- Calculate aquifer properties based on well tests. 利用水井試驗數據計算含水層的導水性質.
- The ELOTRONIC STT is a stationary Test Unit for calibration and checking of click-torque wrenches. 電子扭力/扭矩測量表是一個固定式測試單位為定標和檢查點擊扭力/扭矩板鉗/扳手。
- The test unit for downhole tools for heavy oil thermal recovery consists of test stand and control mechanism. 稠油熱采井下工具試驗裝置由井下工具試驗台架和測試控制系統組成。
- Hence,the simulation is of great importance to both test algorithms and test unit precisions. 因此,星像觀測模擬對測試程序演算法和測試單元精度都具有重要意義。
- The methods by which that advance was achieved were well tested. 他們取得進展的方法經受了長期的考驗。
- Test units according to standard Calmar test procedure. 根據康茂公司標準測試程序進行測試。
- Endurance is a much better test of character than act of heroism. 忍耐要比逞英雄更能考驗品德。
- The Design project with the main use of AD590 and phototransistor as a test unit has still used the MC14433, 74LS160, such as integrated device. 設計方案中,主要採用AD590和光敏三極體作為檢測單元,並運用了MC14433、74LS160等集成器件。
- Determine Resident Oil Distribution During High Water Saturation by Using Advanced Well Test Interpretation. 高含水期剩餘油分佈的現代試井解釋。
- We have a busy testing unit and run IELTS, TOEIC and Cambridge examinations. 我們設有考試部門,舉辦IELTS、TOEIC、劍橋英語檢定等多項考試。
- "I prefer Snell because they do better testing. 「我愛用『斯內爾』,因為他們做的檢驗比較可靠。」