- Apply to military industry, such as armor piercer and so on. 用于軍事工業,如穿甲彈彈芯等。
- The armor piercer sends the strength, Is the typical wadding fist sends the strength method. 穿甲彈的發力,就是典型的綿拳的發力方法的。
- Nothing feels worse than to have your armor pierced,I can speak from experience. 沒有任何東西比刺穿你的盔甲感覺更糟了。
- Nothing feels worse than to have your armor pierced, I can speak from experience. 沒有任何東西比刺穿你的盔甲感覺更糟了。
- The results show that it is feasible to apply interval meshing technology to composite sabot of high power armor piercing projectiles. 結果表明在大威力穿甲彈複合材料彈托上應用間隙嚙合技術是可行的。
- The tank fires mainly armor piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot, high explosive anti-tank and high explosive munitions. 火災的坦克裝甲穿透主要魚翅穩定脫殼,高爆反坦克和高爆彈藥。
- Rounds of jacketed hollow point ammuntion, thathave less penetration power than armor piercing ammuntion, but causessevere damage to unarmored targets. 該彈藥使用空心彈頭,穿透力比較穿甲彈來說略微不足,但能對非裝甲目標造成嚴重傷害。
- Our tanks have Armor Piercing and High Explosive ammo. High Explosive is devestating against infantry. If you shoot infantry with HE, I mean, that dude will explode! 我們的坦克有穿甲彈和高爆彈。高爆彈用來對付步兵。如果你用高爆彈向步兵射擊,那個傢伙肯定會被炸得四分五裂。
- The ACR "rifles" used smoothbore barrels to fire single or multiple flechette per round, rather than bullets, to provide long range, flat trajectory, and armor piercing abilities. 炮彈(拋射物)必須擁有穩定的外形,比如帶尾翼的箭狀物或球體,以此減小發射時的震動。
- The upgrade to the Stinger, the Broadsword features two Tactical Rocket Launchers firing Armor Piercing ordinance and an Anti-Air Railgun. It is a ground-attack platform without equal. 毒刺的升級版本;闊劍裝備了兩個發射穿甲彈的戰術火箭發射器以及一個對空軌跡槍.;他是無可匹敵的地面攻擊平台
- The space inside allowed only 38 to 40 heavy two-piece (projectile and the cartridge) rounds of armor piercing and high explosive ammunition to be stored, which were handled by two loaders. 它的內部空間只能存放38-40枚穿甲彈和破甲彈,而且是分別有不同的炮手控制。
- Crossbows are armor piercing and will halve the effect of any armor. Use crossbowmen to take out well armored troops. 十字弩可以穿透盔甲,能夠令對手的防禦度效果減半計算,因此適合使用弩手們對付重盔甲的單位。
- The knight was completely clad in armor. 那位騎士全身披掛盔甲。
- Infantry, armor, and other combat arms. 步兵,裝甲兵和其他作戰兵種
- "Panzersp鋒wagen is fast, moveable, lightly armored vehicles equipped with radio with a long range, great firepower but no armor piercing ammunition. 裝甲偵察車是一種配備有長程電台的,快速,高機動地輕型裝甲車輛。
- A piece of armor protecting the throat. 護喉甲用來保護咽喉的盔甲
- A bearer of armor for a knight; a squire. 為騎士持武器的人; 騎士的扈從
- The semi drunk man regarded them with fishy eyes. 那個半醉漢迷迷糊糊地看著他們。
- Buying Signode Semi Automatic Strapping Machine. 伊朗求購半自動橡膠機械。
- Q: What do you call a Scouser in a three-bed semi? 你把一個在半獨立式房屋中的利物浦人叫什麼?