- parade one's superiority and strive to outshine others; flaunt one's superiority and seek to do others down 逞強好勝
- There were statistical diff erences between the 3 groups in terms of the mean scores on winning over and see king to do others down. 3組在爭強好勝得分上,手術室組、急救中心組與內科組均分比較均有統計學差異。
- He's a nasty person,he'll never hesitate to do other people down. 他為人卑鄙,陷害別人從不猶豫。
- Paul Allen eventually left the company to do other things. 後來,保羅·艾倫離開公司另謀他職。
- We seek personal growth and enable others to do so. 尋求個人成長同時也誨人不倦。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各國力求通過結盟而更加強大。
- See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. 你們要謹慎,無論是誰都不可以惡報惡;或是彼此相待,或是待眾人,常要追求良善。
- In fact, it's created momentum in those companies to do other projects as well. 事實上,它在那些公司中被產生動力也做其他的計畫。
- The bill seek to repeal the existing legislation. 該議案企圖廢除現存的有關立法。
- It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex. 如果她們試圖打破女性約定俗成該做的事,做尋求真理,獲得更豐富的知識,譴責她們或者嘲笑她們都是很輕率可笑的行為。
- It have become fashionable to do down traditional moral value. 詆毀傳統道德的價值已成為一種時髦事。
- In the economic sphere, the State ought to exercise control, but ought to do others. 在經濟領域內,國家應該加以控制,但也應該讓人發揮他們的創造性。
- So many fale said, they are busy,tired,or need to do others things and no time to do exercise. 很多男性稱,他們不鍛煉身體是因為他們太忙、太累或精力都用到其它「更重要的事情」上去了。
- Stop larking about, children, and settle down to do your homework. 孩子們,不要鬧著玩了,靜下來做你們的功課。
- I don't want to lounge about town. I have other things to do. 我不想在市區閑逛。我還有別的事要做。
- To seek to obtain or enforce by legal action. 依法進行通過法律行為尋求或加強
- Refrain from doing some things in order to Be aBle to do other things. 有所不為而後可以有所為。
- He would indeed seek to patch things up. 他一定會設法把事情加以補救。
- Permission for anonymus users to do other write operations - like renaming or deleting? 設置是否允許匿名用戶進行刪除或者改名等操作
- There are other ways to do this exercise. 做這個練習還可用別的方法。