- All I could see around was just a wire fence. 四周我能看到的只有鋼絲網。
- Is there anything interesting to see around here? 這兒有什麼好看的東西嗎?
- He describes happenings such as I see around me. 他所描寫的事情就象我看到在我周圍所發生的。
- This kind of device enables you to see around every comer. 這種儀器能使你看見每個角落。
- We need to see around the house before deciding whether to rent. 我們必須先查看一下房子再決定租不租。
- And desire not to devour all things which you see around you. 不要想著把你周邊的東西都狼吞虎咽掉。
- How about Discovery Bay, I plan to see around there.Ther... Arthur,牛人,從未學過簡體字居然會打,佩服阿!
- I'll get a cramp in my neck from trying to see around him. 為了要看清楚他,我的脖子都痛了。
- A motor coach arrived with a party of tourists to see around the factory. 觀光團乘坐一輛長途汽車來到工廠參觀。
- Like so many others, I am distressed by the entropy I see around me today. 象其他許多人一樣,我也為今天我的周圍見到的熵而苦惱。
- And it is the decadence of humanity that we see around in every way possible. 我們現在在各處都可看見人類的墮落。
- The facts are counterintuitive to everything else you see around you. 事實是對於你在你周遭所見到的其他每件事物是違反直覺的。
- A wide halo of pearly light can be seen around the dark moon. 可以看到一大片珍珠似的光暈圍繞著暗弱的月球。
- Chanel's designs drew heavily from things she saw around her. 她的設計很多都取材於她目光所及的事物。
- Smaller light echoes have been seen around supernovae. 在超新星旁邊就曾經觀察到過小型的餘輝。
- He might even get the deer he had seen around for two weeks now. 現在他甚至可以接近那隻他已看了兩周的鹿。
- In fact, these miniscule grains floating in empty space are responsible for much of the world we see around us. 實際上,這些飄浮在真空中微小的顆粒造就了我們所見的周圍世界。
- Let us, therefore, confront the clatter and rigidity we see around us with tolerance, variety, and calm. 因此,讓我們懷著容忍、求變和平靜的心情來面對四周的喧嘩和沉沉死氣吧。
- This mammoth explosion which created all the matter we see around us, was just the most recent of many. 這個創造了我們周圍所有物質的巨大爆炸,只是最晚的一個。
- Good morning, Mr. Smith. Im Yang, Mr. Yaos secretary. Would you like to see around the factory? 早上好,史密斯先生。我姓楊,姚先生的秘書。你想先看看我們的工廠嗎?