- Does Chinese enterprise possessthe scale economy effect? 中國企業具有規模經濟效應嗎?
- Scale Economy at the Global Level with Flexible Response at Local Level. 全球性規模經濟與地方性靈活反應。
- In the CPA industry of china,"big 4" shows obvious effects of scale economy in the large market segment,but native CPA firms show scale diseconomy. 在我國註冊會計師行業,「四大」在大客戶市場上表現出明顯的規模經濟效應,本土事務所則呈現出規模不經濟的狀態。
- The capital transaction is a short cut to expanding or shrinking business at low cost, and the diversification can orientate new businesses and realize scale economy. 企業運用資本運營可以實現低成本擴張或收縮戰略,而通過多元化經營可以為企業尋求新的發展方向和實現規模經濟。
- The function of cargo agency service is to make a logistic network of all kinds of entrepreneurs and professional services, in order to form scale economy. 貨運代理服務作用在於把各類企業和各項專業服務織成物流網路,形成規模經濟。
- Institution can affect the competitive advantages of foreign trade by changing human capital, transaction cost, technia1 innovation, scale economy, etc. 摘要制度可以通過改變人力資本、交易費用、技術創新、規模經濟等的狀況來影響對外貿易競爭優勢。
- Chinese tourism industry is now transferring into system economy from scale economy, which makes tourism resources integration for tourism industry a development trend. 摘要目前,中國旅遊業正從規模經濟向系統經濟轉軌,旅遊資源的整合成為旅遊業發展趨勢。
- It will enthusiastically foster and develop the market of the rights of contracting rural land, and support eligible places to develop diversified scale economy. 積極培育和發展農村土地承包經營權流轉市場,支持有條件的地方發展多種形式的規模經營。
- On vertical intra-industry trade, the effect of scale economy is negative too, but all the other determinants can promote vertical intra-industry trade positively. 垂直型產業內貿易除了與規模經濟的相關關係為負之外,與其他影響因素的協整關係均是正向的。
- With the development of market economy,in order to chase scale economy, the action of takeover of listed companiesare increasing rapidly, which will cause conflicts in many cases, especiallythe scarce protection for the interests of minority shareholders. 隨著市場經濟的發展,為追求規模經濟,上市公司收購行為迅猛增加,這引起多方利益衝突,尤其是處於弱勢地位的中小投資者缺乏保護。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我們富裕了也仍應該厲行節約。
- The current development has three directions: regional integration under scale economy and imperfect competition theories;endogenetic regional integration theory;regionalisms and multilateralism. 近期的發展可以歸結為三個方向:規模經濟和不完全競爭理論下的區域經濟一體化、內生化的區域經濟一體化理論及區域主義與多邊主義。
- Scale economy has two principal characters incomplete market competition and scale reward increase.In scale economy, international trade of the similar products is mutual exportation. 摘要規模經濟有兩個主要特徵:市場的不完全競爭和規模報酬遞增,呈現出來的國際貿易是同類產品之間的相互出口。
- According to scale economy theory,this paper summarizes important effects of scale economy effect to industry growth,and put forward the viewpoint that scale business is critical to industry growth. 以規模經濟理論為基礎,概括了規模經濟效應對產業成長的重要作用,提出了產業規模化經營是產業成長的關鍵性條件的觀點;
- It gets the conclusion that SMB』s assets expansion is not based on the scale economy but on a passive response to the current finance institutional environment and the operating mechanism. 結論認為,我國中小銀行的資產擴張並非是為了追求規模經濟,而是對現行金融制度環境和自身經營機制的被動適應。
- The article analyses the relative factors of "scale economy" and "scale non economy",and defines the cores poundings strategies after covering the characters of different sizes of companies. 分析了「規模經濟」和「規模不經濟」的各種相關因素,總結了不同規模的企業應具有的特徵及應採取的策略
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亞洲一直在世界經濟中發揮積極作用。
- The next year the work went ahead on a large scale. 第二年這項工作就大規模進行了。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 當地的經濟現在很混亂。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 這個工程在小規模地進行著。