- He said it with a sarcastic twist. 他說這話時帶上一點諷嘲的意味。
- She said it with a straight face. 她板著臉說了這件事。
- The bishop said it with a feeble voice as he woke. 主教醒過來,用虛弱的聲音說出。
- He said it with a constrained smile. 他說這話時面帶拘謹的笑容。
- So at last, with a sigh and a yawn, he gave it up. 他只好嘆嘆氣,打了個呵欠,最後取消了看書學習的念頭。
- He flumped down into his chair with a sigh. 他嘆了一口氣就撲通一聲坐到椅子上。
- Do not say, "it is morning, " and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. 不要說:「這是早晨」, 別用一個「昨天」的名詞把它打發掉。
- Plunked into the armchair with a sigh of relief. 如釋負重地倒在安樂椅中
- OK, OK. We can say it with a touch more invention and relevance: What a difference bad starts make! 好吧,好吧。我們可以有點創造力和中肯的來說,這是多麼壞的開始。
- Then she settled back with a sigh. 然後,她嘆了一口氣,又靠在座位上。
- Don: No, Herb, no. Say it with more 2) style. 唐:不行,赫伯特,不行。你要說得更有個性一點。
- With a sigh of great compassion. 他說時發出一聲深長的嘆息,表示同情。
- Goodnight i say it with endless pain. 晚安,我用悲痛訴說著晚安。
- "All right," with a sigh and reluctantly. 「好吧。」薩利不甘心地嘆了一口氣。
- The Major surveyed the state of things with a sigh. 少校衡量當時的情況,嘆了口氣。
- Tore his old wings off with a sigh. 嘆息著他撕下自己古老的鮮血淋淋的翅膀。
- She kicked off her shoes with a sigh. 她一邊嘆息一邊脫下鞋子。
- Now you have to say it with conviction. Do you know it? 現在你要堅定不移地說出來,你知道嗎?
- He slowly sat on the seat with a sigh. 他嘆了一口氣, 慢慢地坐到位子上。
- With a sigh, I shoved the door open. 嘆了口氣,我推開了教室的門。