- It came from one last sampan approaching the docks. 答聲從最後一條駛近碼頭的舢板上傳來。」
- Perhaps a dinner on sampan, or a Chinese theatre-restaurant. 晚餐在小船上進行吧?還是在一家中國劇院式的餐館?
- Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan. 有時我們可以看到成群的魚兒從舢板旁邊游過。
- We can take a small sampan along the lake up to the Nat Shrine hall. 我們可以乘坐舢板過湖到達納。
- Now and again we saw a worn-out sampan playing hide-and-seek with the fishes. 我們偶或見到一艘敝舊小舟,跟海中魚族做捉迷藏遊戲。
- I decided to take part in the single sampan contest at the sports meeting. 我決定參加運動會的單人舢舨比賽。
- It indicates that the SampEn is more effective to extract the information attention-related in EEG to show the clinical application prospects in EEG biofeedback systems. 這個結果暗示了樣本熵能有效地識別出自發腦電中注意力相關信息,因而它可在腦電生物信息反饋治療系統設計中獲得廣泛的應用。
- Two person, sit in a hired「 sampan」, shoulder with shoulder, enjoying the natural synergy under a light moon. 晚上雖各有各忙,但在午夜結束前,我會在那裡等他,與他製造一個小生命。
- Administrative reorganization of enterprises and real estate resources are tied up carrier sampan? 央企重組房地產業資源是造航母還是綁舢板?
- Her grandmother and infant aunt were making their way from their ancestral village by sampan. 她的祖母和尚在襁褓中的姑媽,坐桌舢板離開祖祖輩輩生活的村莊。
- Lifeguard driving a sampan came to church with the priest said: "Father, come as soon as possible on! 一個救生員駕著舢板來到教堂,跟神父說:「神父,趕快上來吧!
- A sampan collided with a speedboat off Lantau Island yesterday afternoon. An 8-year-old girl was certified dead and a man was in critical condition. 昨日中午一艘快艇在大嶼山對開海面,同一艘舢舨相撞。一名八歲女童證實死亡,另外一名男子情況危殆。
- However, conditions or bad, on the chemistry, physics experiment course, need to take the river to the sampan to the bus to school. 但條件還是很差,上化學、物理實驗課,需乘舢板過江轉乘公共汽車到向明中學。
- He was 83.Born on a sampan, he made millions after the second world war with an empire that covered real estate, hotels and oil. 在舢板上出生,霍英東在第二次世界戰後發財,他的王國覆蓋地產、酒店和石油。
- Chongming county government office responsible officials told reporters that the future "cattle sampan" not enter protected areas. 崇明縣政府辦公室有關負責人告訴記者,今後「牛舢板」不允許進入保護區。
- The beforehand sampan assaults Ma Lin who is famous in the non-rubber time also to regard as receives attacks the biggest person. 以前三板搶攻著稱的馬琳在無膠時代也被看成受到衝擊最大的人。
- At present, a large quantities of middle and small scale Technology corporation is preparing for 「the new sampan」 positively. 目前,一大批中小型科技企業正在積極備戰「新三板」。
- Zhuang Zhiyuan is suppressed before sampan's speed advantage, Wang Hao is sending meets sends the link to do arrives, assaults begins obtains initiative completely. 庄智淵在前三板的速度優勢被抑制,王皓在發接發環節做得十分到位,搶攻上手完全取得主動。
- Those who live near Macao swim a mile or escape by sampan in bands sometimes as big as a hundred, fighting the machine guns of pursuin motorboats with sharpened bamboo poles. 澳門附近的居民,游水一英里或者乘舢板偷渡,成群結隊,有時上百人。他們用削尖的竹竿跟緊追其後的摩托艇上的機關槍肉搏。
- The desk is my sampan. 課桌是我的舢板。