- The scene is very sad and dreary. 情景十分悲涼。
- The sad and dreary beauty presented in the fictions of Zhang Ailing is the sort of aftertaste. 摘要張愛玲小說的悲涼美具有美的回味,表達人生率真的樸素,同時它使其作品更完善。
- These drifting due letterheads full with hope written in your hands,Frequently attached to the fishes of the dejection and remorse once I have the sad and dreary, ripples you feel. 這些漂泊而致滿帶著期盼的信紙撰在你的手中,附著了絲絲屢屢的失落和悔意著我自己曾經的悲涼,漣漪著你的心情。
- That is full of the realm of the shadow of the past, the pathos in the soft region plunder all your memories and sadness, accompanied by their the sun, and especially the yellow and sad and dreary. 那個充滿了過去的影子的境界里,感傷在愜意的區域里搜刮著你所有的記憶和悲傷,陪伴著自己的那縷陽光,也顯得格外的昏黃而悲涼.
- On the Sad and Dreary Implication of Bai Xian-yong's Short Stories 論白先勇短篇小說的悲涼意蘊
- He led a miserable and dreary life in old age. 他晚景凄涼。
- His eye rested on Shelton, fanatic and dreary. 他眼光既熱情又陰鬱地落在謝爾頓身上。
- August 5 was a gray and dreary Saturday. 八月五日是個灰暗而陰沉的星期六。
- The house looked grim and dreary in the rain. 這房子在雨中顯得陰鬱凄涼。
- Everything outside was dark and dreary. 車外一片黑暗和凄涼。
- The royal noble's sad and dreary homophony in the happy office and origin cause of formation of Han Dynasty 漢代皇室貴族樂府的悲涼主調及其成因
- Some days must be dark and dreary. 總有些日子又暗,又慘淡。
- And the days are dark and dreary. 日子過得又暗,又慘淡。
- She told us a sad and mild story. 她給我們講了一個凄婉的故事。
- I looked ill, sad and unhealthy. 那個病怏怏、愁眉苦臉一副營養不良樣子。
- Bereft of friends or hope;sad and forlorn. 失去朋友或希望的:傷心而孤獨的
- Soapy felt sad and stopped shouting. 索皮感到很難過,就不再叫了。
- It won't look sad and grey any more. 不再看上去灰濛濛的或憂鬱的。
- However, the autumn of the north China comes cleanly, quietly, sadly and drearily. 可是啊,北國的秋,卻特別地來得清,來得靜,來得悲涼。
- I was not always so sad and slow. 我原來並不象現在這樣萎靡不振,動作遲緩。