- When ball of rush to save life and property (it is passive circumstance likely) need to have again very good delicacy and withy; 在撲救球時(多半是被動情況)又需要有很好的靈敏和柔韌;
- When the fire burned out after combustible gas leakage occurred, should use the fire extinguishers (the main equipment is the dry power fire extinguisher) to save life and property. 可燃氣體泄漏后發生火災時,使用周圍滅火器材(主器材為乾粉滅火器)進行撲救。
- Put out a fire to save life and property 撲滅火災,搶救人和財物
- Deviation is justifiable to save life or property. 如果是因人命和財產的救助,繞航是合理的行為。
- Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property. 燃放鞭炮不僅僅被看作討厭的事,而且還被認為是對人的生命財產的嚴重威脅。
- Doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives. 醫生們和護士們密切合作,共同救死扶傷。
- The ability to track the path of a typhoon, for example, is immediate relevance to the island nation of Japan. Improved prediction made possible by a more powerful computer might save lives and property. 比如,跟蹤颱風路線的能力與日本這個島國具有直接關係,而藉助更強大的計算機來提高預測的準確性則可以挽救生命並減少財產的損失。
- We would like to kick off our weeklong conference with a tribute to those who died trying to save lives and public properties during the 2002 flood. 我們想在開始我們為期一周的會議之前,先向在2002年洪災中為了搶救生命和公共財產而犧牲的英雄們致敬。
- A disastrous fire caused loss of life and property. 一場災難性的火災造成生命財產的損失。
- A rapid diagnosis device has the potential to save lives and reduce the cost burden to the NHS. 一個能快速的診斷設備具有拯救生命的潛力,減少全民醫療服務體系的費用負擔。
- Where moblaw prevails there is no security of life and property. 只要有暴民統治的地方,就沒有生命和財產的安全。
- Where mob law prevails there is no security of life and property. 只要有暴民統治的地方,就沒有生命和財產的安全。
- Doctors work hard to save lives. 醫生努力工作是為了救人。
- A war would demand of us enormous sacrifices of life and property. 戰爭會要我們在生命財產方面作出巨大的犧牲。
- Would tighter handgun laws help to save lives? 更嚴格的手槍管理條例有助於挽救生命嗎?
- A war demands of us enormous sacrifices of life and property. 戰爭需要我們在生命和財產方面作出巨大的犧牲。
- I want to reassure the American people that the full resources of the federal government are working to assist local authorities to save lives and to help the victims of these attacks. 我要向美國人民保證,聯邦政府的所有資源都已調動起來了,他們正在協助地區當局挽救生命和幫助這些攻擊事件中的受害者。
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到門口。
- Ahead of you,an evil mage is attempting to capture three women,so you rush to save the damsels. 你前面,一個邪惡的魔法師想捕獲三個婦女,所以你衝上去拯救她們。
- To Dr Bethune, the most important thing is to save lives. 對白求恩大夫來說,最重要的事是挽救生命。