- Living standards of urban and rural residents continued to improve. 城鄉人民生活繼續改善。
- The income of urban and rural residents has gone up steadily. 城鄉居民收入穩步增長。
- The income of both urban and rural residents is growing. 城鄉居民收入水平不斷提高。
- Study on Income Difference of Rural Residents of China II. 中國農村居民收入差距研究2。
- Study on income difference of rural residents of China. 收入差距研究。
- The income of both urban and rural residents is continuously growing. 城鄉居民收入水平不斷提高。
- The majority of rural residents have enough food and clothing and their consumption patterns have tended to optimize. 中國農村的絕大多數居民解決了溫飽問題,而且生活消費結構趨於優化。
- Subsidization and other policies will be adopted with regard to the grain consumption of urban and rural residents with low incomes. 對城鄉低收入居民的糧食消費,各地將採取定向補貼等政策。
- All this has improved the living environment and quality of life of both urban and rural residents. 這些建設改善了城鄉居民生活環境,提高了生活質量。
- Rural residents of all smoking categories experienced lower death rates than smoking counterparts in urban areas. 所有各類吸煙的鄉村居民的死亡率比城市地區同類吸煙者低。
- Among rural residents,the Engel's coefficient was as high as 60.8% in 1978,but dropped to 50.4% in 2001. 從農村居民看,1978年恩格爾係數高達60.;8%25,2001年則降至50
- The annual per capita living expenses of rural residents reached 3872 yuan,up by 8.7 percent over the previous year. 農民人均生活消費性支出3872元,比上年增長8.;7%25。
- The per capita cash income of rural residents was 594 yuan,up 1%; the real growth was 1.3%. 農村居民人均現金收入594元,增長1%25,考慮價格因素,實際增長1.;3%25。
- The savings deposits of the region's urban and rural residents reached 57.579 billion yuan,an increase of 20.8 percent. 全區城鄉居民儲蓄存款餘額575.;79億元,增長20
- Baseline Survey of Health Education among Rural Residents in Linan Township, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province. 嵊州市裡南鄉農村居民健康教育本底調查。
- In 1985, the ratio between per capita consumption expenditure of urban and rural residents is 2. 1985年全國城鄉居民人均消費性支出之比為2。
- The annual per capita living expenses of rural residents reached 3872 yuan, up by 8.7 percent over the previous year. 農民人均生活消費性支出3872元,比上年增長8.;7%25。
- The balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents rose from 4.6 trillion Yuan to 8.7 trillion Yuan. 城鄉居民人民幣儲蓄存款餘額由4.;6萬億元增加到8
- The per capita cash income of rural residents was 594 yuan, up 1%; the real growth was 1.3%. 農村居民人均現金收入594元,增長1%25,考慮價格因素,實際增長1.;3%25。
- The data on the livelihood of urban and rural residents come from NBS Survey Office in Chongqing. 城市居民和農村居民生活狀況的數據來源於國家統計局重慶調查總隊。