- He stood on highways and watched the soldiers of Chiang Kai-shek running away in panic through Shansi. 他站在公路上看到蔣介石的士兵慌張狼狽地逃出山西。
- The enemy broke,and men began to run away in all directions. 敵軍潰散了,士兵四處逃竄。
- The enemy broke, and men began to run away in all directions. 敵軍潰散了,士兵四處逃竄。
- Terrorized enemy units will cease attacking and run away in fear. 令人恐怖敵人單位將會在恐懼中停止攻擊而且逃走。
- She wrangles with her boyfriend, then run away in rainning. 她和男朋友吵了一架,冒著大雨跑了出去。
- She ran away in horror from the snake. 她很恐怖地跑了,躲開那條蛇。
- There is a cart running away in the road. 有輛馬車在道路上飛奔。
- He saw the spider and ran away in fear. 他一看到蜘蛛就害怕地跑掉了。
- At the sight of the snake the girl ran away in terror. 姑娘看到蛇就驚恐地跑掉。
- In 'She went home yesterday' and 'He ran away in a panic', 'yesterday' and 'in a panic' are adjuncts. 在 She went home yesterday 和 He ran away in a panic 兩句中,yesterday 和 in a panic 是修飾成分。
- Cuticula Kui especially also ran away in an instant. 轉瞬之間小皮奎特也「逃」了出去。
- Ralph, Jr. and his friends laugh. People who are close by run away in fear. 小拉爾夫和朋友們大笑起來。附近的人都害怕地跑開了。
- Was not I pounds the flagstone to run away in fear it, you already let it eat. 不是我砸了石板把它嚇跑了,你早就讓它吃了。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發脾氣。
- The others run off in panic, leaving one of their prisoners behind. 他射死了好幾個野人;其餘的丟下一個俘虜倉惶逃走。
- The robber cut down the person and ran away in a taxi. 搶劫犯把那個人殺瞭然后乘計程車跑了。
- The small boy looked round in panic. 小男孩心慌意亂地四下張望著。
- What about you, Yoshimi? Did you want to run away in disgust from this creepy Southern dude? 那你呢?是否想立刻遠離這個東部來的小混混?
- The few soldiers there withdrew in panic. 駐守在那裡的一小隻部隊倉惶後撤。
- Intimidating Growl causes an enemy to run away in fear at an increased movement speed. 使敵人感到恐懼,以高於正常的速度逃跑。