- The cod was salted away for future use. 鱈魚已用鹽腌起留著日後吃。
- He bought a canned cod and a sandwich as supper. 他買了一個鱈魚罐頭和一個三明治作晚飯。
- That ruffian is capable of any crime. 那個惡棍什麼勾當都做得出來。
- The ruffian laid about in desperation. 歹徒在絕望中向四周亂打一氣。
- We will serve smoked cod's roe at the dinner. 宴會上我們將上一道熏鱈魚子。
- The mere thought of the ruffian made her shudder. 她一想到那個惡棍就不寒而慄。
- One engaged in cod fishing off Newfoundland. 捕鱈魚者,鱈漁船紐芬蘭沿海的從事捕鱈魚的漁民或漁船
- The ruffian flicked the knife open. 歹徒用手腕輕輕一振亮出刀刃。
- I want a bottle of cod liver oil. 我要一瓶魚肝油。
- He whomped the ruffian on the skull. 他猛擊歹徒的腦殼。
- They salt down cod for winter use. 他們腌鱈魚留著冬天吃。
- The ruffian escaped from the back door. 歹徒從後門逃脫了。
- The ruffian came to no good end. 這個暴徒沒有好下場。
- FISH in Newfoundland means only one thing: cod. 魚在紐芬蘭僅指一種魚:鱈魚。
- A rowdy, destructive youth;a hooligan or ruffian. 粗魯的年輕人,小流氓粗暴的、搞破壞的年輕人;流氓或無賴
- Ruffian is not my inbeing, but is my individuality! 壞不是我的本性,卻是我的個性!
- Japan is dye-in-the-wood of ruffian and cur! 日本人是徹頭徹尾的流氓惡棍!
- Instead, it landed to the north, on Cape Cod Bay. 而是停靠在了它的北部??科德角。
- A rowdy,destructive youth;a hooligan or ruffian. 粗魯的年輕人,小流氓粗暴的、搞破壞的年輕人;流氓或無賴
- A cutthroat or ruffian; a hoodlum. 兇手或暴徒;強盜