- The message was delivered by carrier pigeon. 這個信息通過信鴿傳遞。
- Central banks are unlikely to accelerate a dollar rout by making dramatic changes in their reserve portfolios. 中央銀行並沒有顯示出要通過顯著的改變來改變美元的弱勢地位。
- During battle,messages conveyed by carrier pigeon got through more often than those sent by plane. 戰爭期間,信息的傳達更多的是靠傳信鴿而不是飛機。
- The Time Domain Wave Form and Frequency Spectrum of Modulated Signal of uexp( tt/ Pw) Multiply by Carrier with Uniform Phase Noise. 單邊遞減波電壓訊號乘上含有均勻相位雜訊載波之調變訊號時域波形及頻譜。
- Roma goalkeeper Alexandre Doni says last season's 7-1 rout by Manchester United was down to bad luck! 羅馬門將多尼說,上賽季被曼聯7-1蹂躪只是因為運氣太壞。
- Reservations are not confirmed until recorded as accepted by Carrier or its authorised Agent. 除非記錄被航空公司或其授權的代理接受,否則預訂不會被確認。
- The 16:15 flight by carrier Pan American Airways (Flight No. PA763 ) has seats available. 泛美航空公司16:15的航班(航班號:PA763)現有座位。
- Above Particulars as declared by shipper.Without responsibility or warranty as to correctness by Carrier. 上述細節由發貨人制定。運輸方不保證其正確性或負任何責任。
- A means or route by which necessary supplies are transported. 重要的交通線必需物資運輸的方法或路線
- Workers pass by the area of poisonous water with corrosive for dinner by carrier. 工人們乘著搬運車穿過含腐蝕性的毒水區去吃飯。
- Officials have tried to stem the market rout by repeatedly closingMoscow's two stock exchanges, but selling has continued. 官員們一再讓莫斯科的兩家證交所停止交易,試圖以此遏制市場崩盤,但拋售仍在持續。
- All the goods were routed by way of the Netherlands. 一切貨物均經由荷蘭運送。
- The pump can also be employed in organic analysis with ethanol carrier, and the pump efficiency and other electrokinetic properties were amoliorated by carrier additives. 電滲泵也可用於有機分析,採用乙醇載流和添加 劑,泵效率和其它電動性能均有改善。
- The mission took the direct route by air to the boundary. 代表團搭飛機走直線的路徑到邊界。
- Judah was routed by Israel, and every man fled to his home. 猶大人敗在以色列人面前、各自逃回家裡去了。
- The Time Domain Wave Form and Frequency Spectrum of Modulated Signal of Tria(tt/Pw) Multiply by Carrier with Normal Phase Noise. 三角波電壓訊號乘上含有準常態相位雜訊載波之調變訊號時域波形及頻譜。
- To three-axis laser SINS,besides the conning motion introduced by carrier,there are conning motion introduced by dithering of three-axis laser gyro. 對三軸機抖激光陀螺捷聯慣導系統,除了彈體運動可能引入圓錐運動外,三軸機抖激光陀螺產生的機械抖動也會在慣導系統中引入圓錐運動。
- To improve warship's ability of defense torpedo, the thesis raises a assumption that use subaqueous cannonball to intercept torpedo by carrier helicopter for the first time. 為了進一步提高水面艦艇對魚雷的防禦作戰能力,首次提出了艦載直升機使用航空深彈攔截魚雷的戰術設想。
- Methods Optimize the routes by using the genetic algorithm (GA) whose crossover operator is improved. 方法利用遺傳演算法進行優化,對遺傳演算法的交叉操作進行改進。
- To improve warship s ability of defense torpedo,the thesis raises a assumption that use subaqueous cannonball to intercept torpedo by carrier helicopter for the first time. 為了進一步提高水面艦艇對魚雷的防禦作戰能力,首次提出了艦載直升機使用航空深彈攔截魚雷的戰術設想。