- A woman』s hair is one of the sexiest part of her body. *女人的秀髮是最性感的部位之一。
- He has a new row to hoe,a long and rough one. 他有個新任務要完成,一個既費時間又花氣力的任務。
- He has a new row to hoe, a long and rough one. 他有個新任務要完成,一個既費時間又花氣力的任務。
- The boy' s hair stuck up straight with fright. 男孩嚇得毛髮直豎。
- Investors can achieve adequate diversification with a handful of index funds and E.T.F.』s, he said, though he is quick to acknowledge that the current market is a rough one. 他說,投資人通過一把指數基金和ETFs能夠實現適當的投資組合,雖然他承認流通市場是一個粗略的市場。
- The young girl' s hair was tied up with a red ribbon. 這個小女孩的頭髮用一條紅緞帶扎了起來。
- Hearing the strange sound the horse 's hair bristled . 聽到這怪聲,馬的鬃毛都豎起來了。
- BI 'S HAIR STYLE LOOKS BETTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BI呀BI!!!好掛住你呀!幾時可以見到你???
- As with men, minoxidil is only modestly effective in restoring one's hair and it does not seem to work in older, post-menopausal women. 但是對於男性,米諾地爾對頭髮的再生效果不是很明顯,對於年老,絕經後婦女更是沒有效果。
- I don't mind her roughness one bit. 她這樣鹵莽,我一點也沒怪她。
- The Most Rough One:Bengal Premier: Sheikh Hasina Wazed.Hasina is the Bengal foundation father Rahman Sheikh Mujibur. 最坎坷女總理:孟加拉國總理謝赫哈西娜瓦吉德.;哈西娜是孟加拉國建國之父及第一任總統拉赫曼的女兒。
- My mother reached over and twirled a lock of my dad』s hair around her finger. 警方在附近各處著手搜索,我在警笛和喧鬧聲中聽到了另一種聲音:狗的吠叫聲。
- Adding to the gloom, a new report by the Confederation of British Industry shows that this is going to be a rough one economically in Britain with unemployment heading up. 英國工業聯合會發布的一份最新報告進一步加劇了經濟前景的黯淡。報告顯示,失業率上升將使英國面臨經濟艱難的一年。
- The chances of a U.K. credit downgrade are roughly one in three, based on past rating actions, S&P said. 標準普爾稱,按照過去的評級舉動來看,下調英國信用評級的可能性大概是三分之一。
- Women"s hair has airy layers that can be worn loose and free, or sleek and smooth. 女士髮型則在蓬鬆大方或光良平滑的髮型上做出輕快的層次。
- Miss Zeta-Jones' s hair is washed with a truffle-based shampoo, then smeared with the caviar and which is combed through and left to set. 澤塔-瓊斯用富含松露的洗髮水洗髮,然後抹上魚子醬、其梳勻后再晾一會。
- The charm quark is roughly one and a half times the mass of the proton. 粲夸克的質量大約為質子質量的1.;5倍。
- In ecosystem of studying area, the content of selenium is normal in rocks and edible plants, but insufficient clearly in soil, water and children s hair with KBD disease. 在研究區生態系統中,岩石、糧作物中硒含量正常,而土壤、水、兒童患者頭髮中硒含量明顯不足;
- Many other creatures get goose bumps for the same reason, for example this is why a cat or dog』s hair stands on end and the cause behind a porcupine』s quills raising. 該器官位於鼻子內且是一個探測外激素的特殊「嗅覺」器官(這種化學物質能激發性慾,具有報警功能,或處理食物搜索信息)。
- It takes about 10 litres of milk to make one kilogramme of cheese, or roughly one gallon for one pound. 製造一公斤的乳酪大約需要十升牛奶,或一磅乳酪需要一加侖牛奶。