a state that does not respect other states in its international actions
rogue state的用法和樣例:
The pariah state had long said it wanted an accommodation with the United States that guaranteed its security. 這個無賴國家長期宣稱它需要美國的遷就,以保證自身安全。
America has responded by saying that the missile-defense system is not intended to defend against a Russian arsenal, but against a potential attack from Iran or a rogue threat. 美國方面對此回應說,美國建立導彈防禦系統不是為了防禦俄羅斯的軍備,而是為了防禦來自伊朗或無賴國家的可能襲擊。
Even China, a supposed friend of the rogue regime, piled in. 甚至,據信是這個流氓國家的朋友中國也落井下石。
Fine,but if pre-emption is to be adopted as a doctrine,it has to encompass more than one rogue state. 很好,但如果先發制人被作為綱領通過,那它所包括在內的可不止一個流氓國家。