- The gang spent a year planning the robbery and then bungled it. 這夥人蓄謀搶劫已有一年之久,然而到頭來卻失手了。
- The cattle are fed on barley, grass and rape. 用大麥,草和油菜餵養牲口。
- He is wanted for robbery and firearms offences. 他因涉嫌搶劫和涉槍犯罪而遭通緝。
- He was charged with robbery and choking his victim. 他因搶劫和讓受害人窒息而受到控告。
- Robbery and murder are both offences against the common law. 搶劫和謀殺都是違反普通法的。
- The gang spent a year planning the robbery and then lost it. 這夥人蓄謀搶劫已有一年之久,然而到頭來卻失手了。
- The gang spent a year planning the robbery and then bungle d it. 這夥人蓄謀搶劫已有一年之久; 然而到頭來卻失手了.
- In their lexicons, robbery and murder were synonyms for liberalism. 當局發動了一個「新文化運動」。
- Several cases of robbery and stealing occured in this area. 這一地區發生了幾起盜竊搶劫案件。
- With better reporting of attacks against UN personnel,there were more than 830 reports of assault,rape,armed robbery and other such attacks in 2000 alone. 隨著有關對聯合國人員攻擊事件的報告的改善,僅在2000年,就有830個有關遭到攻擊、強姦、武裝搶劫和其他此類攻擊的報告。
- With better reporting of attacks against UN personnel, there were more than 830 reports of assault, rape, armed robbery and other such attacks in 2000 alone. 隨著有關對聯合國人員攻擊事件的報告的改善,僅在2000年,就有830個有關遭到攻擊、強姦、武裝搶劫和其他此類攻擊的報告。
- These chilling crimes from the past 10 months are part of a surge in murders,assaults,robberies and rapes throughout Japan,a trend that is arousing deep concern and eroding the country's long-standing reputation for extraordinary safety. 過去10個月中發生的數起駭人聽聞的犯罪事件中只是日本各地數目激增的兇殺、暴力傷害、搶劫和強姦案的一部分。這種犯罪率激增的趨勢正在引起人們的深切擔憂,並使日本長期以來以極其安全著稱的聲譽受損。
- Violent crimes, including murder, wounding, serious assault, rape, indecent assault, kidnapping, blackmail, criminal intimidation, robbery and arson, declined to 13 749 cases, compared with 15 191 in 1996. 年內,謀殺、傷人、嚴重毆打、強姦、非禮、綁架、勒索、刑事恐嚇、搶劫及縱火等暴力罪案,減少至13749宗,而一九九六年則錄得15191宗。
- Violent crimes,including murder,wounding,serious assault,rape,indecent assault,kidnapping,blackmail,criminal intimidation,robbery and arson,declined to 13 749 cases,compared with 15 191 in 1996. 年內,謀殺、傷人、嚴重毆打、強姦、非禮、綁架、勒索、刑事恐嚇、搶劫及縱火等暴力罪案,減少至13749宗,而一九九六年則錄得15191宗。
- Crimes such as armed robbery by juveniles, guns hidden in school bags, students shooting and killing fellow classmates, drug addiction and trafficking and rape can become rampant when law enforcement is inadequate. 孩童帶槍打劫,書包里暗藏手槍;學生槍殺同學;販毒、毒、強姦等罪案層出不窮,使人們夜間出門必須三思而行。
- Other alleged abuses include genital fondling and rape with foreign objects. (其它的虐待指控包括猥褻生殖器和用異物強姦。)
- The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code. 對搶劫和兇殺的懲罰在刑法中有明文規定。
- In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rape seed in bloom. 南國的小麥正在抽穗,油菜正在開花。
- The charges of enslavement and rape carry sentences of 20 and 15 years. 奴役罪和強姦罪的指控可使他分別被判20年和15年徒刑。
- Rico was arrested by the police for armed robbery and taken to jail. 瑞克因持械搶劫被警方逮捕入獄。