- The doctors say she's on the road to recovery. 醫生們說她正在康復中。
- The patients is out of intensive care and well on the road to recovery. 這位病人不要特別護理,他的病情已有所好轉。
- Cech was rushed to hospital and is thankfully on the road to recovery. 切赫馬上被送往醫院,謝天謝地,在路上他蘇醒過來了。
- We cleared a few things up, so now we are on the right road to recovery. 我們弄清了一些事情,所以現在我們能採取正確的方法來康復。」
- My mother was very ill for several weeks,but now she is on the road to recovery. 我媽媽患重病已有幾個星期了,但現在趨於好轉。
- She firmly believes that advice and counselling are critical in aftercare and the road to recovery and without them she may never have overcome the doctor's predictions. 她堅信建議與忠告對病後調養具有決定意義並引導其走向康復,如果沒有這些,她永遠也無法征服醫生的預言。
- Just when it seemed that he was on the road to recovery he suffered a stroke and died on August 2,1923. 就在他看起來要痊癒時,他中風了,於1923年8月2日死去。
- Just when it seemed that he was on the road to recovery he suffered a stroke and died on August 2, 1923. 就在他看起來要痊癒時,他中風了,於1923年8月2日死去。
- As it turns out, his condition wasn't so serious, and he is now on the road to recovery. 他的病情並沒有那麼糟,現在他正在逐步康復中。
- Ray Parlour and Pascal Cygan are both still on the road to recovery and will not face the Merseysiders on Sunday. 帕洛和西甘也依舊在康復中,在星期天的比賽里他們也不會露面。
- A victim of apoplexy taking rehabilitation exercise along a corridor. The road to recovery is a long one. 一位腦中風的病患在長廊練習復健運動,這條路走起來似乎漫無止境。
- Priestley, 33, survived his brush with death on the race track, but the road to recoVery abundance were difficult. 33歲的Priestley在賽車道上與死神擦肩而過。然而,康復之路並非一帆風順。
- Hopes that the global economy may be on the road to recovery also buoyed demand for bullion. 對全球經濟可能正在復甦的希望亦提高對黃金的需求。
- Last but not least, influential centre-half Cris is on the road to recovery, and itching to make the date with United. 有影響力的中衛克里斯是個號球員,渴望著與曼聯過招。
- What history shows, however, is that the road to recovery from a catastrophic bear market can be distressingly long. 然而,歷史經驗告訴我們,從一場大熊市中恢復過來需要痛苦而漫長的過程。
- At same time, it seemed again that the President's policies had turned back the depression tide and set the nation on the road to recovery. 這個時期,好像總統的政策又打退了蕭條的浪潮,並使國家走上復興道路。
- "But although auto industry analyst Katie Kerwin says the GM makeover could prove to be an important step forward on the road to recovery. 這個嶄新的、美好的通用必須確定它要聽取大眾的意見。」
- "But Otto Industry auto industry analyst Katie Kerwin says the GM makeover could prove to be an important step forward on the road to recovery. 但是現在這個全新的勇敢的通用不得不建立與民眾的溝通渠道。」
- Though his right hand is immobilized, and his legs are weak, and stiff, despite it all, Arsenio is happy to be traveling the road to recovery. 雖然右手動不了,這一雙腳也會走的很吃力,不過阿森佑很開心邁向康復之路。
- For now, it's a workout that most members of the local health club could handle, but Ginobili considers it a welcome step on his road to recovery. 從現在來看,這只是一項大多數健身俱樂部成員都能輕易完成的訓練,但吉諾比利認為這是他康復過程中重要的一環。