- Oh, yes. But my children like the rivers and mountains in Idaho. 對。但我的孩子們喜歡愛達荷州的河流和山川。
- It is easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's nature. 江山易改,本性難移。
- However, it's unrealistic to live like a hermit among rivers and mountains. 不過,它的不切實際的生活像一個隱士之間的山山水水。
- People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. 一說到天堂,大家就想到極樂花園,以為在天堂里可以在雲端漂浮 ,山巔河畔發懶。
- Pink walls and black tiles,cornice and rake angle,leaning to rivers and mountains,which is worthy visiting. 粉牆墨瓦,飛檐翹角,依山傍水,給我的感覺還是值得去看看的地方。
- My wife likes cities. She likes New York and Washington, D.C. My children like the country. They like rivers and mountains. 我太太喜歡城市。她喜歡紐約和華盛頓特區。我的孩子們喜歡鄉下。他們喜歡河流和山川。
- Away they flew over pine-woods and mountains, rivers and lakes, sometimes to be lost in the clouds, sometimes to be borne swiftly upon the wind. 他們飛過松林、山嶽、河流、湖泊;時而消失於雲中,時而乘風疾飛。
- However, this time from the territory of Ya'an, where the rivers and mountains, full of poetic, and both are people yearning for beauty. 不過這次從雅安境內經過,這裡的山山水水,充滿詩情畫意,無一不是人們嚮往的優美景緻。
- And the way of human communities existing without regard to the communities of animals, plants, rocks, rivers and mountains that live beside them is not the True Way. 那些以為人類社會可以永存而不用考慮與之同在的其他群落諸如動物、植物、岩石、河流和山脈的想法不是真正之道;
- Software Description: About Rivers and Lakes, This screen saver displays beautiful changing pictures of river and lake scenery including trees, waterfalls and mountains. 這個屏幕保護程序顯示包括樹,瀑布,小河和湖泊的美麗景色。
- Over time and following the addition of the ice shields, lush forests grew along large lakes, streams, rivers and mountain waterfalls. 隨時間,在冰蓋加置之後,蒼翠繁茂的森林沿著大湖、溪流、河和山脈瀑布生長。
- It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods. 這是一幅由草地,河流,樹木組成的五光十色的鑲嵌畫。
- Although season, river and mountain will change, my missing for you will never change. 季節會改變;江山也會改變;我對妳的思念;卻永遠不會改變.
- Suzhou Huaqi Plastic Co., Ltd.is located in the famous Jiangnan cultural town against river and mountain, Mudu. 蘇州華奇塑膠工貿有限公司 位於依山傍水的江南文化名鎮--木瀆。
- I am a willow catkin, Don』t ask me about my origin.Let spring wind send me to the corner of the world, I bring the spring to all river and mountain. 我是一朵柳絮, 不要問我的家在哪裡, 願春風把我吹送到天涯海角, 我要給大地的角落帶去春的消息。
- Chung Adams River and Mountain River Bridge into the five-around clearance, Qinglong mouth, Disporopsis Beach three parts. 涌斯河和芒溪河把五通橋分為四望關,青龍嘴、竹根灘三部分。
- Based on above research, a prototype system, Virtual Earth System (VES), was developed to visualize Yong Ding River and Mountain Himalayan. 在核心刊物及會議上發表論文十餘篇。
- The rivers and forests of the New World were abundant in fish and game. 美洲大陸的河流和森林裡有大量的魚類和獸禽。
- The paper discusses the background of the formation of the thinking of River and Mountain City,follows up the track of the development of the thinking of Mr. 論述了山水城市思想產生的背景,追尋錢學森先生思維發展的軌道,研究了山水城市思想的形成與發展過程;
- The path follows the river and then goes through the woods. 這條小徑與河並排,而後穿過林子。