- The river branches off at this point. 河道在這裡分叉。
- If the Shanghai city Hong Kou District kind of dragon river branch has nice time of Shanghai on the 181st (new broad road border) culture manages Ltd.? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地區>上海>上海市虹口區虯江支路181號(新廣路交界處)有沒有上海嘉年華文化管理有限公司?
- Construct dykes along the main river course of the Tarim to channel water through the inland delta down to the lower reaches. River branches are cut off. 沿著塔里木河幹流建堤壩,把水通過中游的內陸三角洲送到下游。塔里木內陸三角洲的支流被打斷了。
- The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi. 密蘇里河是密西西比河的主要支流。
- The large contiguous area of Tugai forests in Iminq?k is a result of a dense web of river branches, which are still flooded. 移民且克大面積很寬的土加以森林就是支流很密的三角洲的效果。
- China Petroleum Chemical Talimu River Branch Company 中石化塔河分公司
- This is a tributary of Zhujiang River. 這是珠江的一條支流。
- The river branches off here. 這條河在這裡分岔。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那條河在兩山之間已造成一個深谷。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我們能不能把這條河疏浚得深一點?
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因為河上有暗礁,所以在這條河上航行很困難。
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方從渾濁的河水中撈出包裹。
- Hutuo: Ziya River is a tributary of one of the two. 滹沱河:是子牙河系兩大支流之一。
- A pregnant lady rescued him from the Suzhou River. 一個孕婦把他從蘇州河救了起來。
- The river opens out suddenly into a broad estuary. 江面忽然開闊起來,形成一個寬廣的河。
- The river flows through the city from east to west. 這條河從東到西貫穿這座城市。
- The tributary debouched into the big river. 支流注入大江之中。
- We ferried the river on a small boat. 我們用小船渡過那條河。
- The fish plopped back into the river. 那魚撲通一聲躍回河中。
- Shenyang transports the Yellow River branch company of the group by guest 瀋陽客運集團黃河分公司