- They have the right to punish those traffic violators by giving tickets. 他們有權對那些違章的司機傳票罰款。
- Russia is not right to punish the road to help Georgia is the right path. 懲罰俄羅斯並不是正確道路,幫助喬治亞才是正途。」
- TSUI even general manager, said: "They have the power to punish, we also have the right to appeal. 總經理徐志強甚至表示:「他們有處罰的權力,我們也有申訴的權利。
- With unity among these three,whoever compromises will be standing with the traitors,and anybody will have the right to punish him. 這三者互相團結,誰要妥協就是站在漢奸方面,人人得而誅之。
- She begs them not to punish her son severely. 她懇求他們不要給他兒子太重的處罰。
- With unity among these three, whoever compromises will be standing with the traitors, and anybody will have the right to punish him. 這三者互相團結,誰要妥協就是站在漢奸方面,人人得而誅之。
- The first makes a statement about the class of persons who are deterrable;the second makes an assertion about the class of persons whom it is right to punish. 第一種主張是關於那些可威懾住的人的陳述,第二種主張是關於那些應該受到懲罰的人的聲明。
- But the lenience should not be limitless and unconditioned and teachers should have reasonable right to punish improper behaviors to ensure their role in educational activities. 但教師寬容是有限度、有條件的,對於超出教師寬容限度的教育對象的不當行為,教師擁有合理性懲罰權,確保教育活動得以順利進行。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持異議的權利是我們政治體制的組成部分。
- They drew lots for the right to go first. 他們抓鬮兒決定誰先走。
- She has a right to the property. 他享有這比財產權所有權。
- Furthermore, the states have the rights to take the legal measures to punish the international wrongful acts. 國家並有權採取合法措施制裁國際社會的違法行為。
- He allowed that I had the right to appeal. 他同意我有權上訴。
- It is not right to harbor vindictive feelings. 懷有報復的念頭是不對的。
- He have the right to veto the proposal. 他有權力否決這項提議。
- I have a mind to punish you for stealing a cookie. 我有意要處罰你偷餅乾。
- To punish or impel as if by whipping. 痛斥,鞭撻象鞭抽那樣懲罰或鞭策
- I fell right to the bottom of the stairs. 我從樓梯上一直摔到樓梯下面。
- I have the right to ask for an explanation. 我有權要求一個解釋。
- We wonder whom the teacher is going to punish. 我們極想知道老師要處罰誰。