- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小學教師使用大量的視覺教具。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人們有權通過這些田地嗎?
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳擊比賽資格。
- It's our right of way at this turning. 在這個拐彎處,我們有優先行駛權。
- The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 諾曼人征服了英格蘭成了統治者。
- The provisions of the paragraph above shall be applicable to the restriction on the rights of publishers, performers, producers of sound recordings and visual recordings, radio stations and television stations. 前款規定適用於對出版者、表演者、錄音錄像製作者、廣播電台、電視台的權利的限制。
- He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture. 他憑著長子繼承權,繼承了他父親的財產。
- A visual record produced by an echoencephalograph. 超聲波心動描記圖腦回波描記器產生的視覺圖象
- He demand the right of reply to the newspaper allegation. 他要求獲得對報紙斷言的答辯權。
- The Mechanism of Gain in Scale of Visual Attention. 視覺注意範圍的調控機制。
- Appearance of visual aids that are not selected. 未選擇的視覺幫助的外觀。
- A treasure trove of visual splendor. 一座視覺效果的寶藏。
- It's my right of way, so you should have stopped and let me go. 我有優先通行權,你本應當停車讓我先過。
- Seeing his painting is a kind of visual enjoyment. 看他的畫是一種視覺享受。
- The introduction of visual GBD positive commercial. GBD積極引入視覺商業。
- Thermal imagery produces a visual record from natural heat radiating sources. 熱圖象由天然熱輻射源產生一種可見的記錄。
- A barrister have right of audience in any court in England and Wales. 高級律師在英格蘭或威爾士的任何法院都有發表意見的權利。
- One of our cherished privileges is the right of free speech. 我們所珍視的權利之一是言論自由。
- People have the rights of assembly and expression. 人們有集會和發表言論的權利。
- The laws of grammar; the laws of visual perspective. 語法規則;透視法則