- It seemed to reveal to her an undreamed depravity in her nature. 這念頭似乎對她揭露了自己本性里過去竟想不到的一種劣根性。
- Snape will not be revealed to be a vampire. 斯內普不會被揭示是一個吸血鬼.
- They revealed to me that the experiment had failed. 他們向我透露試驗失敗了。
- The four verities were revealed to Buddha. 佛陀受到了四大真理的啟示。
- Pad Man reveals to Gretchen the plan of Scylla. 「將軍」將錫拉的計劃告訴了格雷琴。
- The doctor did not reveal to him his hopeless condition. 大夫沒有向他透露,他的病已到絕望境地。
- Glory in all the facets of pleasure and beauty which the world reveals to you through the several means of contact which Nature provides. 所有的愉快和美感方面的天福,世界通過自然提供的幾種接觸方式將它展露給你。
- The page constraint forces you to reveal to me what you think is relevant. 頁數的限制就是要讓你告訴我你認為有意義的地方是什麼。
- She was shocked by this thought. It seemed to reveal to her an undreamed depravity in her nature. 這念頭令她大為驚訝,似乎向她泄露了她某種連做夢也不曾想到的低劣天性。
- I promise never to reveal his secret. 我答應決不泄漏他的秘密。
- An intensive search failed to reveal any clues. 經過徹底搜查未發現任何線索。
- Let us look to the great principle of gradation, and see whether Nature does not reveal to us her method of work. 讓我們看著偉大的級進原理,來窺測自然界是否給我們揭露它的工作方法。
- It will be useful to deal briefly with the successful methods first, so as to reveal to the reader my own bias. 首先簡單地談一談那些成功的方法,以便向讀者表明我自己的傾向,是有好處的。
- Yeah, I am. No-one really knows that but I'm here to reveal to the nation. This is the truth. 沒有錯。沒有人很知道這事,不過今天我就要告訴在電視機前的觀眾們,我的原色是金黃的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 這些數字的總和是多少?
- She revealed to the child that he was not of her kindred. 她向孩子透露說他並不是她的親生兒。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 轉寄給我們的郵件晚了很久才拿到。
- No man can reveal to you aught bu that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. 除了那在你知識曙光中半醒半睡的事物之外;沒有人能教給你什麼.
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開該國。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。