- Field Experiences with Extreme Programming: Developing an Emergency Response System By: Fruhling, Ann; de Vreede, Gert-Jan. 極限編程的實踐經驗:開發應急系統。
- responsibility system by group leader 小組長負責制
- Other work assigned by line manager. 由直線經理分配的其他工作。
- The key here is to set up a responsibility system. 關鍵是建立責任制。
- The system by which pages are numbered. 標註頁碼書面被編上頁碼的系統
- Others assigned by line manager. 上司委派的其它任務。
- The debugger runs your page line by line. 調試器逐行運行頁。
- We will now see line by line what this code does. 現在,讓我們逐行研究這個代碼的功能。
- Explains how to execute code line by line. 介紹如何逐行執行代碼。
- In computer security, an attempt to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user. 在計算機安全學中,試圖以裝成一個合法用戶來獲取對某系統的訪問權。
- The poem meaning is paraphrased line by line. 古詩分行意譯
- They studied the document line by line. 他們一行一行地認真研究了這份文件。
- Maintenance responsibility system: who serves, who traces. 維修負責制:誰服務,誰跟蹤。
- Lets analyze it line by line, like we always do. 像之前一樣,我們來一行行分析。
- The safety responsibility system needs to be improved. 切實糾正各種違規違章指揮和操作現象,防止重大安全事故發生。
- Lets explain the asm code line by line. 接下來一行行來解釋代碼.
- Go through the job description line by line. 逐字仔細閱讀工作描述。
- She tried to beat the system by helping people directly. 她企圖通過直接幫助人們以抵消制度的影響。
- So there is an urgent need to establish a strict responsibility system. 所以急需建立嚴格的責任制。
- The line AC is cut by line PQ at a point. AC線和PQ線交於一點。