- resource limitation model 有限資源模型
- The site has exceeded its resource limit and cannot process this request. 這個網站已經超過資源限制,並無法處理這個請求。
- Abstract: Problems of water resource limit the agricultura l developmentand econ omical development of Guizhou Karst Region. 文摘:水資源問題制約了貴州岩溶地區農業和地區經濟的發展。
- In accordance with the shared resource limited to CRL files, the paper basing on the model deeply analyzes important problems of security and URL of the P2P network model. 並在該模型的基礎上,針對共享的資源僅限於CRL文件的特點,對該P2P網路模型在安全性、資源的發現定位等重要問題進行了深入研究。
- I decided to look into how well a much more starkly limited model space would work for a Bayesian spam filter. 我決定研究一下,對於貝葉斯垃圾郵件過濾器,一個絕對有限的模型空間究竟工作得有多好。
- Shut down because of the maximum number of dynamic recompiles of resources limit. 由於資源的動態重新編譯的最大次數限制而關閉。
- The resource limitation and the interference of adjoining seed competing resource lead to the seed abortion patterns in turn of alfalfa pod. 資源限制和鄰近種子爭奪資源的干擾是導致莢果內種子交替性敗育格局的主要原因。
- FAO-Rome.With many marine stocks now fully exploited or overexploited, future fish supplies are likely to be constrained by resource limits. 據聯合國糧農組織消息:由於目前許多漁業資源都已充分利用甚至過度開發,今後水產品的供給很可能會受到資源的限制。
- Thrown when an attempt to schedule a task fails because the Task Manager refuses to accept the task due to resource limitations. 當安排一個任務的企圖因為任務管理器拒絕接受訪問受限資源的任務而失敗時,拋出異常。
- Economic limit model of development wells under economic constraints 經濟約束條件下新鑽井經濟界限模型
- As messaging service needs grow beyond the resource limits of a single computer, separation of Exchange 2007 services onto multiple computers becomes the next topological division: the standard Exchange organization. 隨著郵件服務對資源的需求已超過一台計算機的限制,將Exchange 2007服務分佈到多台計算機就成為下一個拓撲分支:標準Exchange組織。
- Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
- The resource of embedded device is limited,and the capacity of RAM and ROM is very small,so it is difficult to implement the web server function under the resource limited situation. 由於嵌入式設備的資源有限,RAM和ROM都非常小,在資源受限的情況下實現Web服務功能是非常困難的。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案規定了一年的限期。
- What's the speed limit on the motorway? 高速公路的速度限制是多少?
- Unitary forestation not only could increase the environment quality of Eco-city, also could weaken the conflict of land resource limitation by it』s creation of greenbelt compensated rate. 立體綠化不僅能夠改善城市生態環境,還可以通過它所創造的綠地補償,緩解土地資源緊缺的矛盾。城市政府應精心組織、大力推動立體綠化。
- The ride of the SEL and Limited models we drove was extremely well modulated, maintaining great road feel while isolating most road noise from the cockpit. 這段路程的選擇和股份有限公司模式,我們將是非常好調控,保持偉大道路而感到孤立最道雜訊的駕駛艙。
- He was had up for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速行駛而遭控告。
- He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. 他賽前量體重比規定限度少幾磅。
- AML established the first ferroalloy smelting plant in Inner Mongolia in 2005, IMA Resources Limited (IMA). 亞礦於2005年在中國內蒙古成立了一座冶鍊廠,名為內蒙古亞礦資源有限公司(以下簡稱"內蒙亞礦」)。