- The lightning played across the heavens. 閃電劃過了天空。
- resound (or reverberate) across the heavens 響徹雲霄
- Late evening dew glistened on every bush and soon the loons' call would resound across the water. 再晚些,灌木上的露珠開始閃爍,不久,潛水鳥的叫聲就會在水面上回蕩起來。
- Late evening dew glistened on every bush and soon the loon's call would resound across the water. 再晚些,灌木上的露珠開始閃爍,不久,潛水鳥的叫聲就會在水面上回蕩起來。
- King Bali presents Vamana his gift, whereupon Vamana grows in size and steps across the earth in one step, the heavens in the second step. 國王巴力向侏儒呈現他的禮物,於是侏儒的身體在增長,一步跨過大地,第二步跨過天堂。
- A destructive power is unleashed across the Himalaya, one that echoes the descent of Ganga from the heavens. 巨大的破壞力在喜瑪拉雅地區釋放,恰恰印證了女神從天而降的那種威勢。
- You'll see 「steam」 billowing out of the Teapot spout and stretching across the heavens. 你可以看見「蒸汽」滾滾的從茶壺的茶嘴裡冒出來,蔓延到更遠的天空。
- Lisa dreamed a tunnel in the sky, a radiant corridor stretching timeless across the heavens. 麗莎夢見天空出現了一個隧道,彷彿一條光芒四射的走廊在天上無限制的綿延。
- The Martians began building a fleet of spaceships that would carry them across the heavens to Venus. 火星人開始組織太空艦隊,他們要穿越天堂到金星。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在馬路對面向我招手致意。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 為了不遲到,她抄近路穿過田野。
- The heavens declare the glory of God. 天空象徵上帝的榮耀。
- Rain fell from the heavens all day long. 整天都下著雨。
- One clear,bright night,as Artemis drove her carriage across the heavens,her a beautiful youth sleeping in the peaceful valley below. 一晚,當阿爾特彌斯駕著馬車穿越天空時,無意中看到一位漂亮青年正在面靜謐的山谷中睡覺。
- Today, the canopy of the heavens is grey. 今天的天幕是灰色的。
- Millions of stars were shining in the heavens. 天空中繁星閃爍。
- Spectacular northern lights also shone from the heavens, extending across the midwestern USA and other locations not often graced with auroral displays. 壯觀的北極光同樣照耀在天空,而且一直延伸到美國的中西部地區,但其他地區不能經常看到極光的出現。
- Lightning zigzagged across the sky. 閃電曲折地在天空劃過。
- Suddenly the heavens opened and it poured with rain. 忽然,天空象裂開似的,下起傾盆大雨來。
- Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人過馬路是一種善良的行為。