- Children' s shoes aren' t cheap quite the reverse. 兒童的鞋並不便宜--反而更貴.
- A man 's shoes get tight by imbibe water, but he do not . 人穿的鞋子會因吸飽了水而變緊,惟其本人則不會(醉)。
- The electrolyte was purified by copper arsenite to effectively remove Sb and Bi impurities in the copper electrolyte. 電解液凈化是銅電解精鍊必不可少的重要工序,它直接關係到陰極銅的品質。
- The leader cadre that disobedient communication decides wants remove sb from office of on the spot. 不服從交流決定的領導幹部要就地免職。
- Put yourself in Daria』s shoes and liberate the guerillas from the bestial rule of the machines. 本漢化程序不保證能兼容所有的手機硬體和同機安裝的任何軟體,您必須自行擔負所有可能因使用本程序而發生的風險!
- This paper makes an exploration on the new shoe design map with the example of formulized map of men's shoes. 本文以男鞋公式化作圖的示例來探討這種新的鞋樣設計畫法。
- In this FX series, Morgan Spurlock asks the question, what would happen if people spend 30 days living in someone else』s shoes? 本片中Morgan Spurlock提出一個問題,如果人在30天裡面一直處在另一個人的地位生活會發生什麼?
- As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, Gish Jen does not foolishly steps into Kingston s shoes by employing many postmodernist techniques. 任璧蓮沒有模仿湯亭亭採用後現代主義的創作手法,而是獨闢蹊徑。
- More over,burberry scarf, you should be looking at the Gucci men’s shoes that you feel good about wearing.Did you know too that you can find discount Gucci shoes on the web? 這種時候,男人再高尚,也不會把自己視為你的「藍顏」,正好來一個順水推舟,一句「愛你沒商量」,女人連和自己商量的餘地都沒有,乖乖地做了俘虜。
- in sb.'s skin; in sb.'s shoes [boots] 處於某人的地位
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我們得指定一個人當秘書。
- Genius is but one remove from insanity. 天才與瘋狂之間只有毫釐之差。
- Flour is bolted to remove the bran. 麵粉經篩選去掉麥麩。
- If the ink sinks in it'll be hard to remove it. 如果墨水滲入,要除去就很困難。
- Remove your shoes in the mosque. 在清真寺內要脫鞋。
- Remove the motor when you lay up your boat. 船閑置不用時,你要把發動機拆下來。
- I use the floor cleaner to remove grease. 我用地板除垢劑清除油污。
- In sb.'s hands in the hands of sb. 在某人的支配照顧,監護。
- An operation is needed to remove your tonsil. 需要進行手術摘除你的扁桃體。
- At sb.'s service -- willing to help sb. 願意為某人效勞。