- She could knit up a baby 's coat in an afternoon. 她能在一個下午織好一件嬰兒的衣服。
- The child pulled at its mother' s coat for more chocolate. 孩子拉著母親的外衣還要巧克力。
- The electrolyte was purified by copper arsenite to effectively remove Sb and Bi impurities in the copper electrolyte. 電解液凈化是銅電解精鍊必不可少的重要工序,它直接關係到陰極銅的品質。
- The leader cadre that disobedient communication decides wants remove sb from office of on the spot. 不服從交流決定的領導幹部要就地免職。
- When someone queries to my single life,I will put on the superwoman"s coat,vindicate myself eloquently. 還得說的是,當有人對我的單身生活提出質疑的時候,我就會穿上女超人的衣服,牙尖嘴利地進行維護。
- The latter, a lovely girl of seven or eight with a small upturned nose, was occupied with an ice cream while her mother holding the child』s coat was whispering to her. 母親則抱著孩子的衣服,坐在一邊輕聲的對她說著什麼。
- The lamb』s coat, after adoption, is often hung on a farm yard cowshed door, now irrelevant, and waiting to be discarded, this being the first 『coat』 sculpture. 再被使用之後,小羊羔皮通常被掛在農場的牛柵門之上;而現在這塊沒有利用價值的羊皮,只有被遺棄的命運。這是第一個羊毛編織的作品。
- High intension aluminium alloy is stress mechanism"s main material of spaceflight aerocraft"s coating, beam girder, wing. 高強度鋁合金是生產航天、航空飛行器的蒙皮、大梁、機翼等受力構件的主要材料。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我們得指定一個人當秘書。
- Genius is but one remove from insanity. 天才與瘋狂之間只有毫釐之差。
- Flour is bolted to remove the bran. 麵粉經篩選去掉麥麩。
- large edible crab of S coat of United States especially Florida 產於美國南部特別是佛羅里達的一種大的可食的螃蟹
- If the ink sinks in it'll be hard to remove it. 如果墨水滲入,要除去就很困難。
- Remove the motor when you lay up your boat. 船閑置不用時,你要把發動機拆下來。
- How can I remove the stains from my coat ? 我上衣上的墨跡怎樣才能去掉?
- I use the floor cleaner to remove grease. 我用地板除垢劑清除油污。
- In sb.'s hands in the hands of sb. 在某人的支配照顧,監護。
- An operation is needed to remove your tonsil. 需要進行手術摘除你的扁桃體。
- large edible crab of S coat of United States especially Florida. 產於美國南部特別是佛羅里達的一種大的可食的螃蟹。