- Secondly, the relative real estate market as a certain stage of development, Whether developed or developing, in the normalcy of commercial housing will be vacant. 其次,相對房地產市場發展的某個階段來講,不管發達國家還是發展中國家,在正常狀態下,都會有商品房空置問題。
- Approved by gas producing history matching, the permeability model created and permeability value calculated can reflect the real permeability value of the gas reservoir impersonally. 氣井生產歷史擬合證實,該方法確定的滲透率及建立的滲透率模型比較客觀地反映了地層的實際滲透性,對評價氣田動態指標產生了積極的影響。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 簡單的試驗就能證明這是否是真金。
- That's where the real danger lies. 這正是真正的危險所在。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那個新的購物中心真是難看極了。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座舊公寓真不順眼!
- Is our relative strength growing? 我們的相對力量正在增長嗎?
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使這孩子吃東西,真要費九牛二虎之力。
- They are now living in relative comfort. 他們現在過著比較安逸的生活。
- She sent me a real snorter of a letter. 她給我寄來一封異乎尋常的信。
- He is a distant relative of mine. 他是我的一位遠親。
- Sheila's dad is a real tight wad. 希拉的父親真是個一毛不拔的鐵公雞。
- What was the real reason for your absence? 你缺席的真正原因是什麼?
- His writing contains some real goodies. 他的作品中含有真正引人入勝的東西。
- My aunt is my only immediate relative. 我姑母是我唯一的至親。
- He asked me some questions relative to the subject. 他問了我一些有關這個題目的問題。
- A cousin is a collateral relative. 表兄弟是旁系親屬。
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 這份調查是真正內行人做的。
- Her aunt is her nearest relative. 她姨媽是她最近的親戚。
- He made a real pig of himself at the restaurant. 他在餐廳里大吃大喝,真丟臉。