- They were spiritually regenerated by his speech. 他們聽了他的講話后在精神上獲得了新生。
- A new approach to treatment is presented by stem cells and their characteristics of transversal differentiation. 幹細胞及其「橫向分化」特性的發現為各種疾病的治療提供了一種新的手段。
- The experiment showed that Delphinium' Schloss Wilhelmschohe'can be propagated by stem cuttings. 美麗翠雀 (Delphinium『SchlossWilhelmschohe』)可在春、夏季用莖枝進行扦插繁殖。
- Propagation: Hoya carnosa can be propagated at anytime by air layering or by stem cuttings. 繁育:多肉球蘭一年四季都可通過空中壓條或枝條扦插繁育。
- At jointing stage, 14C-photosynthate produced in main stem was mostly used by stem and sheath of itself. 拔節期主莖的光合產物主要用於自身莖鞘的生長;
- Based on the analysis by STEM,the optimal process parameters were preliminarily obtained and the average diameter of particles was 60 nm. 製取的鈦酸鋇產品經透射電子顯微鏡測定,適宜工藝條件下平均粒徑為60。
- The activated carbon could be regenerated by acid immersing. 酸浸法可以使活性炭再生。
- Influencing factor was discussed for tannin extract solution absorb and regenerate by tannin extract method in production. 主要討論栲膠法脫硫在生產中對栲膠溶液吸收和再生的諸多影響因素。
- The regeneration system used by stems of one-year-old pyrus betulae folia Bge. 本試驗以一年生杜梨莖段為材料,建立其離體再生體系。
- Experiment hasshown that a new phase of the solution exists in a sample examined by STEM and micro-locationanalysis by EDS. 用掃描透視電鏡(STEM)和能譜儀(EDS)進行微區分析證實這個固溶相的存在。
- The study describes the scope of clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) by stem cutting collected from mature stockplants. 摘要本文利用母株上的莖段進行番石榴的無性繁殖。
- We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential. 我們相信失喪的罪人必須藉著聖靈重生才能得救。
- Due to stable growth and rapid proliferation, the ADSCs from guinea pig can be used as the donor cells in the treatment of sensorineural deafness by stem cell transplantation. 成功地建立了一種分離培養豚鼠脂肪間充質幹細胞的方法,其生長穩定、增殖較快,可作為幹細胞移植治療感音神經性耳聾實驗研究的供體細胞。
- The number of staging files regenerated by this replica set member for a specific outbound partner request. 由這個複製集成員為一個指定的輸出夥伴請求重新產生的主持文件的數目。
- Can stem cells regenerate infarcted myocardiocytes? 幹細胞能再生梗死心肌嗎?
- The adsorption capacity reduced to 10.37mg/g when they were regenerated by thermal decomposition method. 吸附飽和后的CLDH焙燒再生;循環使用5次后飽和吸附量為10.;37mg/g。
- Activated alumina also can be regenerated by using of alum,hydrochloric acid and aluminum sulfate. 處理后的活性氧化鋁可利用明礬、鹽酸、硫酸鋁作為再生試劑進行再生處理.
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺騙手段說服她在文件上簽字。
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英國的殖民地由總督統治。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 軍隊因戰敗而士氣消沉。