- To regain or cause to regain one's good spirits or liveliness. 恢復或使恢復某人的好心情或活潑勁兒
- Flounder: To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance. 掙扎:笨重地嘗試著移動或重獲平衡。
- They are involved in the subculture of 90's youth complete with drugs, live music, and homophobia. 他們同90年代次文化年輕人一樣喜歡咳葯和搖滾樂。
- Action is at bottom a swinging and flailing of the arms to regain one's balance and keep afloat. 行動是在底部的一種兇猛和連枷的武器用以獲得平衡並保持漂浮。
- Glenda joined the Workers』 Party in 2004 and was elected as an executive committee member in the party』s Youth Wing which was set up in 2005. 2004年,蘇美回到新加坡,在羅伯森碼頭開設了一家酒廊,經營至今。2004年,蘇美加入了工人黨,並在2005年黨青年團成立之後,獲選為該團的執行委員會委員。
- MZ's youth system does not work in the same way as HT.When you place an order, you are not ordering X players per week, but a group of X players for a season. MZ足球經理和HT冰球經理不一樣,青年隊只是一個賽季來你招的那麼多,而不是每周來那麼多。
- Criscito, who played in Juve』s youth team between 2004 and 2006, will remain with the Grifoni until the end of the season before joining the Bianconeri on a four-year contract. 在2004-2006年間,克里西托在尤文青年隊效力,本賽季他仍將在熱那亞效力,隨後他與斑馬軍團簽署的為期四年的合同將生效。
- Regain one's grip on sth. 重新抓住某事。
- Each individual』s youth faithfully repeats that of his forebears, introducing him to a role that lives on unchanged: it is a 「pre-scribed」 youth, which, to quote Mannheim again, knows no 「entelechy. 每一個個體的青年時期忠實地重複著他祖先的足跡,使他成為一個一成不變的角色:這是模仿前輩的年輕,再次引用曼海姆的話,叫做沒有「實體」的年輕。
- For such is the theoretical meaning of this limitation: to show that the time of the narrative (of the imagery) ends with the subject』s youth: the only biography is of an unproductive life. 所以,這是這種局限的理論意義:說明敘述的時間終結在主體的青春:唯一的傳記是關於徒然的生命的。
- regain one's strength.See Synonyms at recover 重新獲得某人的力量參見
- That was rather unfortunate, because back then I was coaching my son\'s youth team and would regularly lecture the kids on the evil effects of French fries and soft drinks on a budding athlete. 這真是非常不幸,因為當時我是兒子所在少年隊的教練,經常教育他們炸土豆條和軟飲料對一個成長中的運動員來說有多麼大的壞處。
- As our party』s assistant and reserve force, the CYL Committee should undertake to unite and educate the mass of young students, implement the party』s youth policy and carry out the work creatively. 作為黨的助手和後備軍,擔負著團結和教育廣大青年學生,執行黨的青年工作方針,創造性地開展工作的職能。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 這就是那些圖樣.;你喜歡哪一個[些]?
- I did my best to regain my composure. 我盡了最大的努力恢復鎮靜。
- When will the patient regain his consciousness? 這個病人什麼時候恢復知覺?
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但馬上又吐了出來。
- regain one's freedom, health, sight 恢復自由、 健康、 視力