- Every time her husband won an argument, she would retire to bed and refuse to speak to him until the next day. 她每次同丈夫爭論輸了,就上床睡覺,直到第二天才跟丈夫說話。
- If he refused to speak out the truth, thrash it out. 他若拒絕講出實情,就打字實情。
- He may well refuse to speak to you, because he's in a bad mood. 他很可能拒絕和你說話,因為他的情緒不好。
- He was so rude she refused to speak to him. 他非常粗暴無禮,所以她不願跟他講話。
- If he refused to speak out the truth,thrash it out. 他若拒絕講出實情,就棍棒伺候。
- Ever since that incident at the party, Doris has walked past me with her nose in the air and refused to speak. 自從那次聚會上的事情后,多麗絲每次走過我身邊時總是態度倨傲,不願與我交談。
- Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now(= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). 安和喬兩人現在互不理睬。
- Do you refuse to speak to me?"Pilate said."Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you? 彼拉多說:「你不對我說話嗎?你豈不知我有權柄釋放你,也有權柄把你釘十字架嗎?
- I would 12)slam the front door upon entering, refuse to return her hug when she rushed over to me, and vow never to speak to her again. 我要一進門就砰地狠狠把門關上,她迎向我的時候不要和她擁抱,併發誓再也不跟她說話了。
- She is adamant in refuse to comply with his wish. 她固執地拒絕按他的意願辦。
- I simply refuse to conceive of such a solution. 這樣的解決辦法,我是絕對不考慮的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 沒人敢對不公正行為表示公開反對。
- I refuse to answer that question. 我不願回答那個問題。
- The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists. 總統拒絕同等候的記者們講話。
- I refuse to go there, on principle. 我原則上拒絕到那兒去。
- He said when she arrived that he wished she had never come, and then added insult to injury by refusing to speak to her for the rest of her visit. 她來時他說但願她沒來;然後傷害之外又加污辱,在她逗留期間他一直拒絕與她說話。
- I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不願被你呼來喚去的。
- I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你談一會兒。
- Why did the patient refuse to take the medicine? 那個病人為什麼不肯服藥?
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可說是個用功的學生。