Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music. 只容我把自己的生命歸做率真坦蕩,象一隻蘆笛被你盈滿樂音。
Whether an invaluable Italian violin or a casually-cut reed whistle, when left untouched, remains soundless. 一把價值連城的義大利提琴,和一枝被隨手削出的蘆笛,不去觸動它們,便都是沉默,但沉默的內涵卻並不一樣。
Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. 希望是壯漢依靠的一根纖細的蘆葦。
The river banks were overgrown with reed. 河岸長滿了蘆葦。