- Next Amelia flew a Trans pacific flight and then a record setting Mexican flight. 接著,她又進行了穿越太平洋的飛行,此次飛行創下了墨西哥的飛行紀錄。
- His pumpkin broke the world record set in 2006. 他的南瓜打破了2006年的世界紀錄。
- We may use SQL to specify how to sort the data in the record set. 我們可以使用SQL來指明每條記錄中數據的排列順序。
- Shared rows share memory to reduce the cost of a large record set. 共享行可共享內存以減少大記錄集的開銷。
- This (His) pumpkin broke the world record set in 2006. 他的南瓜打破了2006年創造的世界紀錄。
- The mean temperature of 23.1 degrees equalled the previous record set in 1966. 該月的平均氣溫達23.;1度,平了一九六六年的舊紀錄;
- I am hoping to run something close to the Chinese record set in 2008. 我希望快點接近中國在2008年創造的記錄。
- Gasoline now costs an average of $3.15 a gallon, seven cents shy of the record set last May, according to AAA. 據美國汽車協會的數據,汽油現在的平均價格是每加侖3.;15美元,僅比去年五月的記錄低了七美分。
- Another record setting week on the Hot 100 Airplay chart -- 212,191,100 (+10.1 million in audience). 連續4周打破記錄,這個記錄也應該很難被打破了!
- If your record set is very large, you should be careful to keep the rows shared as much as possible. 如果記錄集非常大,則應注意要儘可能多地共享行。
- When not positioned in a valid record set, 0; otherwise the number of columns in the current record. 如果不是位於有效的記錄集中,則為0;否則為當前記錄的列數。
- The record Stanley is trying to beat is the 1968 record set by Donnie Smith (William H. 柏馬則肩負著把離家出走多年的愛子弗蘭克-邁基帶到老人病榻前的重任。
- His total of 8 medals in one Olympics tied the record set by Aleksandr Dityatin in the boycotted 1980 games. 他共8面獎牌,在奧運會一平的紀錄所訂的亞歷山大季佳京在1980年抵制遊戲。
- Attribute tells Coldfusion which query record sets you want to output. 屬性告訴Coldfusion您想輸出哪條查詢記錄。
- At yesterday's athletics meeting,Jackson turned in a personal best time which is only two seconds outside the European record set up last year. 在昨天舉行的田徑運動會上,傑克遜取得個人最好成績,比去年創下的歐洲紀錄只差了兩秒。
- At yesterday's athletics meeting, Jackson turned in a personal best time which is only two seconds outside the European record set up last year. 在昨天舉行的田徑運動會上,傑克遜取得個人最好成績,比去年創下的歐洲紀錄只差了兩秒。
- If your record set is very large, you should be careful to keep the rows shared as much as possible when accessing the Rows property. 如果您的記錄集非常大,那麼在訪問Rows屬性時,應注意使儘可能多的行保持共享。
- By protecting the ranges of keys between rows, it also prevents phantom insertions or deletions into a record set accessed by a transaction. 通過保護行之間鍵的範圍,它還防止對事務訪問的記錄集進行幻像插入或刪除。
- Once the data prints to the console, the con. Close() statement closes the record set and drops the database connection. 數據輸出到控制台後;con.;close()語句將關閉記錄集並斷開資料庫連接。
- What Laughlin does not point out however, is even though Popov won that race, he did not better the world record set in 1990 by Tom Jager. 可是,拉夫林沒有指出波波夫贏得那場比賽的成績並沒有湯姆?加格在1990年打破的世界記錄好多少。