- I highly recommend tour No. 3 the city tour. 我鄭重推薦3號市區觀光旅遊線路。
- Could you recommend some popular tours? 能推薦一些適合我的行程嗎?
- Sightseeing tours are laid on for visitors. 已為來訪者安排了觀光活動。
- The tour will be accompanied by a trained nurse. 該旅行團將由一名受過專門培訓過的護士陪同。
- We recommend package tour for you. 我們向你推薦一條旅遊線路。
- The book is recommended for its interesting story. 這本書由於其故事情節生動有趣而受推薦。
- The highlight of our tour was seeing the palace. 我們旅遊中最有意思的活動就是參觀宮殿。
- I can recommend him without qualification. 我可以毫無保留地推薦他。
- Please send me literature about your tour to italy. 請給我寄貴公司有關義大利旅遊項目的文字材料。
- Do not exceed the recommended dosage. 不要超過規定的劑量。
- The tour is arranged by our local travel agent. 這個旅遊團是由我們的本地旅遊代理商組織安排的。
- I recommended (you) meeting him first. 我建議(你)先見見他。
- The group tour the museum at a leisurely pace. 這個旅遊團悠閑地參觀這個博物館。
- I wouldn't recommend you to go there alone. 我勸你不要孤身一人到那裡去。
- Can you recommend to me a good dictionary? 你能為我推薦一本好字典嗎?
- Are you suggested I am a tour guide? 你是不是建議我當導遊?
- I recommended my child to her care. 我把孩子託付給她照顧。
- After that he took us to tour Rome. 然後他帶我們去遊覽羅馬。
- The doctor recommended more fiber in his diet. 醫生建議他多吃一些纖維性食物。
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 該旅遊團前往希臘著名景點進行修學旅遊。