- A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses. 一個幹部必須聯繫群眾,同群眾打成一片。
- Then maybe one day she'll reach out with a helping,sparkling,pink? nailed hand. 以後也許有一天,希瑟會向你伸出援助之手,一隻閃閃發光、塗著粉色指甲油的手。
- I checked out one million dollars. 我開支票提出一百萬美元。
- The lights went out one after another. 電燈一個接一個滅了。
- Please reach out your helping hand. 請伸出援助之手。
- He weed out one by one the book he do not want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- He didn't rise or even reach out his hand. 他沒站起來,甚至沒有伸手。
- He weeded out one by one the books he didn't want. 他把不想要的書一本一本丟掉。
- At that instant, a coin slipped out of the aborigine』s hand. 正在此時,一枚硬幣從土著人的手中滑落。
- Then maybe one day she'll reach out with a helping, sparkling, pink? nailed hand. 以後也許有一天,希瑟會向你伸出援助之手,一隻閃閃發光、塗著粉色指甲油的手。
- The monkey reached out a hand through the bars and took the banana. 猴子從欄杆伸出手拿走了香蕉。
- The girl was holding her father 's hand. 這個女孩握住她父親的手。
- Reach out,beauteous Turkey,give me your hand,my beloved homeland! 伸出你的手吧,美麗的土耳其,握住我的手吧,親愛的祖國!
- GOD's hand took mine and we were silent for awhile. 上帝牽著我的手,一時間,我們沉默無語。
- I just want to wash out one or two rags. 我正想洗出一兩塊抹布。
- I could feel the youngster's hand tremble in mine. 我能感到那個年輕人的手在我的手中顫抖.
- You'll snuff out one day if you're so careless. 你老是這麼粗心早晚有一天會送命的。
- The characters reach out to one another with the most delicate of antennae. 人物與人物用極其細微的觸鬚互相探索。
- The toothache puffed out one side of his face. 牙痛使他的半邊臉腫了起來。
- The way to be happy is to let go,and reach out. 幸福的途徑是不計前嫌的,是主動和好的。