- He did something rash and repented forever. 他做了件粗率的事而一直為之後悔。
- You have a clumsy and careless servant girl. 你有一位笨手笨腳粗心大意的使女。
- He is rash and is always jumping to conclusions. 他很魯莽,總是輕率的下結論。
- That would be both rash and unjustified. 事實上,這種觀點即輕率又勉強。
- She made the other women look dowdy and careless. 跟她相比其他婦女顯得太懶散。
- St. Clare was indolent and careless of money. 聖·克萊亞為人懶散,揮金如土。
- He is very naughty and careless. 他既淘氣又粗心。
- A gash, a rash and purple bumps. 有個傷口、有疹子和紫色腫塊,
- Keep your head. Don't be rash and hot-headed. 要沉住氣,不要狂躁。
- I am fed up with his laziness and carelessness. 我受夠了他的懶惰和粗心。
- To be crude and careless is an extremely bad style of work. 粗枝大葉是一種極壞的作風。
- Lodovico. Where is this rash and most unfortunate man? 羅多維科這鹵莽而不幸的人在哪兒?
- The sun was shining, and he felt light-hearted and careless. 陽光燦燦,他覺得輕鬆愉快,無憂無慮。
- The origin symptom of nettle rash and remedial method? 風疹的起因癥狀和治療方法?
- The boss was critical of his men who were slow and careless. 老闆對於幹活又慢又粗心的人很挑剔。
- It can suggest both intentional and careless throwing. 這一動作既可為有意識的,也可為隨隨便便的。
- The rash and high fever that characterize this disease; a region that is characterized by its dikes and canals. 這種疾病的特徵是出疹子和發高燒; 以堤壩和運河為特色的一個地區
- The goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment. 埃特引人草率行事並受到懲罰的犯罪女神
- This heat is like OK also and careless explanation, saying is dry bavin blaze. 這個熱好像也可以胡亂解釋,說是乾柴烈火。
- SMZ-TMP Deputy reaction neutropenia, fever, rash and liver toxicity. SMZ-TMP副反應有白細胞減少、發熱、皮疹和肝毒性。