- The results of simulation and measurement indicate that the antenna designed in this paper has advantages of broadband and compact size, and it is suitable for broadband radio fuze system. 結果表明,本文設計的載入環形微帶天線具有帶寬高、體積小等優點,適合在寬頻無線電引信系統中使用。
- Finally, the test data of a certain radio fuze is processed and the results obtained have proved the feasibility of this method. 最後對某無線電引信的試驗數據進行了處理,證明了方法的可行性。
- The cluttering area wherein the fuze antenna illuminates is distributed into small clutter cells and the clutter modeling is built up as the method of fuze target echo modeling. 對天線照射區域內的雜波進行了分割,採用近似目標回波的處理方法對雜波進行了建模,並將該方法應用到引信目標模擬器中。
- This paper analyzes the technology of frequency agility and FM fixed-distance in the field of radio fuze. 本文研究了無線電引信中的頻率捷變調頻定距技術。
- The integrated protection method can avoid false action of the radio fuze in UWS-HPM radiation field. 採用綜合防護加固方法可使引信在超寬譜高功率微波輻照下不再產生誤動作,達到了防護加固的目的。
- Lightning electromagnetic pulse field (LEMP) was simulated to study its effect on naked radio fuze. 摘要為了研究強雷電電磁場(LEMP)對沒有保護狀態下無線電引信性能的影響,對LEMP進行了模擬。
- Abstract: Lightning electromagnetic pulse field (LEMP) was simulated to study its effect on naked radio fuze. 摘 要: 為了研究強雷電電磁場(LEMP)對沒有保護狀態下無線電引信性能的影響,對LEMP進行了模擬。
- This paper takes BSS(blind signal separation) method based on SOS(second order statistics) to se-parate the radio fuze signals. 採用二階盲辨識方法對無線電引信信號進行分離。
- So it is important to research LEMP fields in theory and its effect on radio fuze which includes high integrate circuit. 對其進行理論研究並對電子化程度較高的某型無線電引信展開電磁輻照效應實驗具有重要的軍事意義。
- The scheme and data of the timing cut end stepstress ALT of a certain type of domestic radio fuze is introduced in this paper. 介紹了國產某型號無線電引信定時截尾步進應力ALT方案與數據;
- By analyzing the lightning electromagnetic environment of fuze, the experiment method of LEMP effects on radio fuze has been studied. 通過對引信所處雷電電磁環境的分析,研究了無線電引信雷電電磁脈衝效應的實驗室評估方法。
- In the paper,digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) is applied to airborne radio fuze jammer to jam pulse distance-detecting fuze and pulse Doppler fuze. 將數字射頻存儲器(DRFM)應用到機載無線電引信干擾機中用來對脈衝測距引信和脈衝多普勒引信進行干擾。
- millimeter wave fuze antenna cover 毫米波引信天線罩
- In the end, taking Changkong drone target and Drone 5 as examples, the EM scattering features of them are calculated out, which supplies a reference for radio fuze design. 以長空靶機和靶5目標為例,計算了其近場散射特性,為無線電引信設計提供參考依據。
- To have radio fuze making better resistance to HPM jamming,the slot coupling characteristics of HPM pulse into cavity are studied by using the software XFDTD6. 以提高無線電引信抗高功率微波干擾的能力為應用背景;採用基於時域有限差分方法(FDTD)的電磁場模擬軟體XFDTD6.;0;數值模擬高功率微波(HPM)的孔縫耦合特性。
- Research of a Maximum SNR Algorithm of Fuze Antenna Beam Forming 一種輸出信噪比最大的引信天線波束形成演算法研究
- Adding protection component to executive-circuit and replacing impressionable component can greatly improve the anti-interference ability of radio fuze without changing its working characteristics. 在不影響引信工作特性前提下,採取增加防護器件和替換敏感器件的加固方法,可以提高引信抗干擾能力。
- To have radio fuze making better resistance to HPM jamming,the slot coupling characteristics of HPM pulse into cavity are studied by using the software XFDTD6.0 based on the method of FDTD. 以提高無線電引信抗高功率微波干擾的能力為應用背景;採用基於時域有限差分方法(FDTD)的電磁場模擬軟體XFDTD6.;0;數值模擬高功率微波(HPM)的孔縫耦合特性。
- No antenna, no radio, we're back in the nineteenth century! 沒有天線,沒有無線電,我們回到十九世紀了。
- Analysis of "Blind-area" of Pulse System Radio Fuze 脈衝體制無線電引信"盲區"的分析